
Targeting multiple elements with jQuery

Hello, I have been searching but have come up blank and i'm wondering if I can use one jQuery statement to target multiple elements on a page. I have several identical buttons on a page and they are each made up of a left, middle and right background where the middle contains the text and can expand to any size necessary. Each has a un...

How can I Automate a CSS Build Process?

On larger projects I have segmented stylesheets that have rules written for specific modules. I'd like to be able to automate a process that minifies my CSS (at least remove commenting) and also combine multiple CSS files into a single asset to minimize requests. ...

What fonts to use when designing xhtml pages via CSS for mobile phones ?

Firstly I plan to CSS to style pages (with fluid layouts) which are targetted towards mobile browsers. <style type="text/css"> body { background-color: #000; color: #fff; font: normal 95%/130% "Trebuchet MS", Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; margin: 0; padding: 20px 0; } </style> Wha...

Load dynamic swf generated by Flex 3 in a div

I am trying to load the dynamic SWF file which has 100% width and height ,generatd by my flex 3 in a div. using Jquery load() function. The div wherein i am trying to load is visible for sometime but after that my SWF comes out of div and takes whole viewport area to display the SWF. I have tried to provide fixed height and width to div ...

Liquid CSS layout issues

Alright I have a CSS liquid div based layout for my personal web site. The address is http://danberinger.com/preview.html The problem is the I do not want the footer section to act as if it were displayed inline, because right now when the window is stretched beyond the pixel width needed for the intro_container, it moves the footer d...

jQuery - LavaLamp menu with multiple images?

Hi, I'm trying out the jQuery Lavalamp menu and I'm trying to alter it and understand how it works at the same time. Thing is, all examples I've found consist of basically two images. The background and the left image. That ok, but I want to create a menu where it consists of three images. The background, the middle and the left. And t...

Why are my div elements shifting when the container div has overflow: auto set

Here is an example of the offending code... Note, this code works as expected in FireFox. The problem is in Internet Explorer. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"> <head runat="server"> <title></title> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.goo...

Style width:100%;height:100% is not working in IE6.0

#backgroundPopup{ position:absolute; height:100%; width:100%; } its fine, if we give width=500px; but when we put as % then no result. In IE6.0 Why? ...

CSS: How to make a block to cover all width of parent block

Hi, I've come across the same issue several times already. When I display one block with the float property, the next block starts to overlape the first one. e.g. Following block of code .row_item{ width: 30%; display: block; float: left; padding: 4px; margin-left: 5px; } So if in html I have: <div class="row_item"> <a href="/a...

CSS/HTML: What is the correct way to make text italic?

This is not a noob question! What is the correct way to make text italic? It seems to me that we have the following options available to us when making text italic: <i>Italic Text</i> <em>Italic Text</em> <span class="italic">Italic Text</span> <span class="footnote">Italic Text</span> The first example uses the old way. <i> has no se...

How do I indicate long text into a smaller fixed column with CSS?

Hi there, how do I fit long text into fixed with column where I have place for only line of text? I would need to shorten the text to fixed width (lets say to 100px) and I would like to add dots "..." at where string gets cut. Something like this for example: My string is "Some really long string that I need to fit in there" and output...

How to make javascript/jquery code error proof ?

If jQuery is included in <head> and in <head> if we have some another jQuery code and that code has an id which is a id of an HTML element, so if jQuery library and jquery code in <head> is added globally And if any page doesn't have that html element which is used by jQuery code then browser gives JavaScript error. Can I make jQuery/J...

Gradient-filled contentEditable text in HTML

Can I have such effect in HTML without using an image? The text should be editable with this effect. ...

Understanding how VS parses CSS in .ascx docs

I have a number of documents (in an MVC app) that exist solely to be called by: <% Html.RenderPartial("showLoginStatus"); %> While editing the file in VS (08) the CSS class selectors used within this page all toss 'class not defined' warnings since the stylesheet isn't referenced in this file but in the 'parent'. The page renders cor...

CSS relative positioning

I am developing a web page with dynamic dimensions i.e I first read the size of the canvas and adjust my elements widths and heights accordingly. if(!window.JSFX) JSFX=new Object(); if(!JSFX.Browser) JSFX.Browser = new Object(); if(navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1) { JSFX.Browser.getCanvasWidth = function() {ret...

Fixed Positioning without Scrolling

I have a toolbar div in my IUI. I want to fix the position of toolbar without scrolling. How can I do this ? please help me. ...

Image Tag Flow Problem

Hi, i use this fluidgrid system: http://fluid.newgoldleaf.com/ I have the problem, if the first content element in a column is an image Tag, the content in the following column drops down. It only works, if the first content element is something like a paragraph or a headline etc., and the second is an image Tag. Why? :-) Thankx. ...

IE6 - DIV with class and ID

I have the following HTML <div id="nav" class="red"> some more HTML here </div> The following CSS: #nav.red { background: red; } However this does not work in IE6, can anyone help? ...

Little problem with styling <dl>

Hello. I have <dl> table, and can't style it to look like in this image. Is it possible to style list like that? Or maybe, better idea would be table? ...

What's wrong with this CSS?

I tested the code in three browsers and it worked perfectly well However, when I viewed it from another computer with slightly lower quality graphics the only thing that worked was the normal text colours and nothing else... What's wrong with the code? body { background: #CCCCCC; } td { font-...