
"context" on a drupal page

This question is a general one, and I've already posted a version of it here. I'm hoping, though, that I'll have a better chance of getting a response, and of being useful to more people, by asking in this forum. Associating content together when it all loads on a drupal page is tricky business. In drupal, each page, no matter the site,...

Drupal 6.x CTools

We make use of views and panels quite often in Drupal and a lot of people are utilizing CTools in development. I can't find a lot of documentation on what it is and why you'd use it and the drupal.org forum isn't providing much either. What is CTools, and is it worth using? What is the best use-case for utilizing it? ...

How to theme the ctools modal window

Does anybody know how I can theme the ctools modal window. I've tried putting the css that it comes with in my own theme to over-ride it, but that is not working for me. Thanks! ...

Drupal Ctools Form Wizard in a Block

Hi everyone I created a custom module that has a Ctools multi step form. It's basically a copy of http://www.nicklewis.org/using-chaos-tools-form-wizard-build-multistep-forms-drupal-6. The form works. I can see it if I got to the url i made for it. For the life of me I can't get the multistep form to show up in a block. Any clues? /...

Drupal: How to make a fieldset dependent using CTools

Hello, I am using Ctools Dependency to make a fieldset hideable. This is part of my code: $form['profile-status'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => '', '#options' => array( 'new' => t('Create a new profile.'), 'select' => t('Use an existing profile.'), ), ); $form['select'] = array( '#type' ...

Combining Page Manager and Mini Panels

I understand how I can use the Ctools Page Manager to override the system edit form for a specific content type. And I understand how I can use the Panels Dashboard to create a Mini Panel which can be embedded into a Panel Page. But I am not clear on how I can create a Mini Panel which includes an edit form (customized ala Page Manager) ...

What is a path from Ctools Modal to Modal Frame API

I wrote a module that uses the Ctools Modal Window to serve a form wizard. I would like to switch to using the Modal Frame API (which uses the JQuery UI Dialog as the modal). If someone has some experience making this type of switch in their code and can give me some pointers, I would appreciate it. Thanks, David Update: So I fin...

Output Truncated by browser Error while Extracting cTools Module

Output Truncated by browser Error while Extracting Drupal cTools Module, the result is that the version is not updated. The consequence is not able to update panels version (need to be in sync w/ ctools version). This happens to CCK module as well. Please help. Many thanks ...

Drupal: what's the simliar way of views_embed_view() for embeding a Panel page?

hi, i use to use views_embed_view API function to load views automatically. now i need to load a panel content problematically; but i could not find a function like views_embed_view. is there such a thing at all? is there something like panels_embed_page or is it related to ctools? ...