
Need help understanding lambda (currying)

i am reading Accelerated C# i don't really understand the following code: public static Func<TArg1, TResult> Bind2nd<TArg1, TArg2, TResult> ( this Func<TArg1, TArg2, TResult> func, TArg2 constant ) { return (x) => func( x, constant ); } in the last line what is x referring to? and there's another: public static Func<TAr...

Implicit currying in Scheme with syntax-rules?

Jeffrey Meunier has an implicit Curry macro here, which uses defmacro. I was wondering if someone has ever written this with syntax-rules? ...

Passing list elements as parameters to curried function

Still a Haskell newbie here. I know just enough to get myself into trouble with wrong assumptions. If I have the following function... quadsum w x y z = w+x+y+z I want a function that can take a list, use each element as a parameter in a specified function like quadsum, and return a curried function for later use. I've been trying ...

Currying out of order in Haskell

Is there an elegant notation for Currying the arguments of a function out of order in Haskell? For example, if you wish to divide 2 by all elements of a list, you can write map ((/) 2) [1,2,3,4,5] However to divide all elements of a list it seems you need to define an anonymous function map (\x -> x/2) [1,2,3,4,5] Anonymous functi...

Haskell - Currying? Need further explanation.

So something like addList :: [int] -> int addList = foldl1 (+) Why does this work? The Currying part. Why no variable? Thanks ...

Scala: curried constructors

I have the following Scala class: class Person(var name : String, var age : Int, var email : String) I would like to use the Person constructor as a curried function: def mkPerson = (n : String) => (a : Int) => (e : String) => new Person(n,a,e) This works, but is there another way to accomplish this? This approach seems a bit tedio...

Haskell - I am too old for this...

I am always interested in learning new languages, a fact that keeps me on my toes and makes me (I believe) a better programmer. My attempts at conquering Haskell come and go - twice so far - and I decided it was time to try again. 3rd time's the charm, right? Nope. I re-read my old notes... and get disappointed :-( The problem that mad...

Mapping function to numpy array, varying a parameter

First, let me show you the codez: a = array([...]) for n in range(10000): func_curry = functools.partial(func, y=n) result = array(map(func_curry, a)) do_something_else(result) ... What I'm doing here is trying to apply func to an array, changing every time the value of the func's second parameter. This is SLOOOOW (cre...