
Adding visible elements to a custom Panel in Silverlight 3

As I understand it, a Panel isn't meant to have any visible "chrome." The StackPanel, Grid and Canvas don't have any visible elements (with the exception of the gridlines, which they say are only for debugging layout.) In my example, I am going to create a Custom Panel that uses Attached Properties to lay out its children controls. Ho...

Custom Right Aligned StackPanel control layout in Silverlight

Hi all, I'm trying to create a custom layout container, with the same characteristics of StackPanel, with the exception that it lays out the items starting at the right edge of the screen. Needless to say it does not work correctly. I have identified a flaw inside ArrangeOverride() where the line Point elementOrigin = new Point(thi...

Izpack: Creating custom panels

Hi, I am trying to create a custom panel for an IzPack installer. This means that I have to extend IzPanel. However, it appears that if I do this, the extended panel needs to be in the com.izforge.izpack.panels package. Then I found this post, which stipulates that: As such, you must include installer.jar from the lib folder of IzPac...

Problem with custom scrolling in custom panel

Hello all. I'm coding a custom panel representing the hand of cards. It's a panel that will stack the cards horizontally. If there isn't enough space, each card will overlap part of the card left of it. Minimum part should be always visible. I accomplished this and this is the code: using System; using System.Windows; using System.Windo...