
How to add static pages to WordPress?

Hello, Just wanted to know how do i add static html pages to WordPress? For example, let say i have page products.html, how would i add it to wordpress (any menu, etc) and once added, how do i visit them because wordpress had a typical url structure. Thanks. ...

Wordpress Not Publishing Posts To Custom Template

I am building a theme that has a lot of custom templates, like every page. Ridiculous, but for some reason the template I made for the "postings" page is not getting the posts? I have set the post page in reading preferences, and I have set the page to use my template, but it still publishes posts to a default template. Of all the custom...

Wordpress form handling

I need to add a basic form page in the website, that runs on WordPress framework. I have the following raw materials ready: Client side: html form layout,css and jquery validation code. Server side: form handler php function that processes the $_POST[] data. My problem is to integrate this code in the Wordpress framework. I have look...

Custom Wordpress Template For Category

I have two categories that need a special template. Each has one post and will display differently. So I read that if the category is named, for example, 'testing' and the template name is 'testing.php' then it should use that correct? Why would it not? I keep previewing the post and it just redirects to the home page. ...

Help with custom slider/lightbox for wordpress please?

I am trying to make a custom slider with a lightbox gallery built into it for wordpress use. I basically popped the colorbox plugin inside of the easyslider plugin. I have it working great, but I need a text link sitting below the slider that will also open the gallery, starting at image 1 and going to last. As it is now, clicking the im...