As far as I know ON_WM_MEASUREITEM does not get called in Custom Draw list control. It is only used if control is Owner Drawn.
I have found a way to do that, but it is somewhat a HACK and I still can not control gaps between items they are set up somehow automatically.
The trick is that you can create CImageList with the unused images of...
I derived a class from CListCtrl called CListCtrlCustomDraw, and use NM_CUSTOMDRAW handler to draw the list.
The problem is I have different fonts for selected item and unselected item, they are member variables of the list control, but when I use
m_list.SetColumnWidth(iCol, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE);
int nTextWidth = m_list.GetColumnWidth(iCo...
I am making some changes to a CSliderCtrl using the Custom Draw, the control is to be used in a dialog. Here is the structure:
In my MessageMap I have : ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT_EX(NM_CUSTOMDRAW, OnNMCustomdraw)
The OnNMCustomdraw method looks like the following:
BOOL CCustomSliderCtrl::OnNMCustomdraw(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)