
CyclicalReferenceException while using Betwixt

I have cyclical references in my hibernate domain model which is causing Betwixt to fail. I don't want to change my domain model. How do I change Betwixt to ignore the cyclical reference? ...

What is a cyclic data structure good for?

Hello, I was just reading through "Learning Python" by Mark Lutz and came across this code sample: >>> L = ['grail'] >>> L.append(L) >>> L ['grail', [...]] It was identified as a cyclic data structure. So I was wondering, and here is my question: What is a 'cyclic data structure' used for in real life programming? There seems to...

how to compile and run interdependent plugin jars

I have to build two eclipse-plugin projects into two separate jars with each one dependent on the other for compiling. Eclipse IDE complains about "cyclical dependency...". How do I build these plugin jars? I guess running these plugins by just putting them in the eclipse/plugin folder should be smooth. ...