
Using EXTERNAL mechanism with Cyrus SASL

Does the Cyrus SASL api not support the EXTERNAL mechanism? I'm trying to use it as a client, but it returns SASL_NOMECH when asked. % cat cyrus_sal_ex.c /* cyrus_sasl_ex.c: Example of using the Cyrus SASL api */ #include <stdio.h> /* for printf() */ #include <sasl/sasl.h> /* for sasl_client_*(), SASL_*, sasl_*_t */ static char...

How can I link against the PostgreSQL libs when I compile Cyrus's seiveshell?

I maintain a software stack consisting of Perl and Cyrus IMAP among other things. Perl seems to be working fine and Cyrus cyradm (a perl script) works fine too. However, sieveshell will not execute and reason for asking for help here. When I run sieveshell, I get the follow output: Can't load '/usr/local/pozix/perl-5.10.0/lib/site...

IMAP protocol support in different email servers

Having to interact with several different email servers via IMAP (using javamail), I have found that there is a very different level of support for IMAP features among them. The lack of support of some features has resulted in more developing time, more complicated code to deal with different support, worse perforamance due to not being ...