
Problem when trying to configure enterprise library 5.0 (Data Access Application Block)

Hi There Stackoverflow, I am running into some problems while trying to get DAAB from Enterprise library 5.0 running. I have followed the steps as per the tutorial, but am getting errors... 1) Download / install enterprise library 2) Add references to the blocks I need (common / data) 3) Imports Imports Microsoft.Practices.Enterprise...

Cast error on SQLDataReader

My site is using enterprise library v 5.0. Mainly the DAAB. Some functions such as executescalar, executedataset are working as expected. The problems appear when I start to use Readers I have this function in my includes class: Public Function AssignedDepartmentDetail(ByVal Did As Integer) As SqlDataReader Dim reader As SqlDataRe...

Is the Microsoft Enterprise Library Data Access Application Block thread safe?

I can't seem to find any documentation regarding thread safety... In particular - is the Database class (and subclasses) thread safe How would I find this out for myself? Are there references to thread safety for classes on the MSDN site? ...

How to know the exact statement fired in Data app block?

Hi We are using "Enterprise Library Data Access Application Block" to access SQL Server database. In DataAccess layer, we are calling application block's API. Internally it must be resolving the command and parameters into SQL statement. How can I know what SQL query goes to database? Thanks AJ ...

ConfigurationSourceBuilder settings in web.config?

Can you have this configuration's properties set in web.config? configBuilder.ConfigureData() .ForDatabaseNamed("School") .ThatIs .ASqlDatabase() .WithConnectionString(ConnectionString) .AsDefault(); ...

Oracle session is not closing even if i dispose the transaction using DAAB?

when i am using Transaction every time a new connection is created in ORACLE(sessions) and the connection is not closing even if i dispose the transaction. I can see the connection is INACTIVE in the oracle enterprise manager. When that Oracle session will be closed from Oracle or is it a Bug or is there anyway to close the connection wh...

Is the MS DAAB 4.1 Database object threadsafe?

I've come across some code that has a singleton which creates / reuses a static instance of the MSDAAB Database object. Is the Database object threadsafe after creation? I couldn't find anything one way or the other in the MSDAAB docs. ...

Calling MS Access Stored Queries with Parameters using DAAB v5.0

I wanted to find out if it is possible to call MS Access Stored Queries with parameters using DAAB. I am using the Northwind sample database to test this scenario I have created the following Stored Query with parameter in MS Access: PARAMETERS FirstName Text ( 255 ); SELECT Employees.ID FROM Employees WHERE (((Employees.[First Name])=...

DAL classes generater using DAAB or ado.net ?

I am using enterprise library DAAB with 4 layers User interface layer, custom type layer, business logic layer, data access layer. I want to remain in 4 layers please guide is there any preferably free/ open source code generater that can generate my DAL classes. Or some way to generte DAL using simple ado.net ? thanks ...

Lightweight ADO.NET Helper Class

Can anyone point me towards a current library that provides basic wrapping of ADO.NET functionality? I'm looking for something along the lines of the old SqlHelper class and am not really interested in using the Data Access Application Block (as it's a bit of overkill for my simple needs). What is everyone using for working with ADO.NET ...

Disposing of custom Data Access Layer references

Our application uses a custom DataAccessLayer class almost exclusively, and within that we do use Data Access Application Block (currently version 2). We are getting the infamous "GetOrdinal" error sporadically. We are not using out-of-method connections. We are using DAAB version 2. Below is a typical example of our DAL methods: Pu...

Mapping Application Blocks in Enterprise Library 5.0 (Data Access Application Block)?

I have been dabbling at Enterprise Library 5 Data Access blocks and it is pretty neat that you can return objects using IRowMapper (with and without creating accessors) http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff664533%28v=PandP.50%29.aspx I have been trying to do the reverse. Save objects to DB using some sort of Mapper, but could not ...

The data source is of an invalid type. It must be an IListSource, IEnumerable or IDataSource.

I'm upgrading a .NET 2.0 site that uses Enterprise Library version 2 (DAAB mainly) to .NET version 3.5 and EntLib version 5. I've made the necessary changes and now I'm getting an error "The data source is of an invalid type. It must be an IListSource, IEnumerable or IDataSource". I'm getting this error trying to set the datasource o...