If you compare two sets of data (such as two files), the differences between these sets can be displayed in two columns, or two panes, such as WinMerge does.
But are there any visual paradigms to display the differences between multiple data sets?
The starting point of my question was the assumption that displaying differences ...
When you need to compare two tables to see what the differences are, are there any tools or shortcuts you use, or do you handcode the SQL to compare the two tables?
Basically the core features of a product like Red Gate SQL Data Compare (schemas for my tables typically always match).
Background: In my SQL Server environment, I created ...
When performing a schema compare having db_owner rights on the target database results in the following error:
The user does not have permission to perform this action.
Using the SQL Server Profiler I figured out this error occurs executing a query targeting the master db view: [sys].[dm_database_encryption_keys]
While specificall...
I need to perform a data compare operation to refresh a dev database froma sample data database prior to running integration tests using the VS test harness. Anyone know a way to automatically configure this?