
How to generate a verification code/number ?

Hi, I'm working on an application where users have to make a call and type a verification number with the keypad of their phone. I would like to be able to detect if the number they type is correct or not. The phone system does not have access to a list of valid numbers, but instead it will validate the number against an algorithm (like...

Should you check for wrong parameter values in the constructor?

Do you check for data validity in every constructor, or do you just assume the data is correct and throw exceptions in the specific function that has a problem with the parameter? ...

What is your experience with the tool Imagix 4D?

Our SW Engineering department suggests we use the tool Imagix 4D to analyze our preemptive C code in order to detect data consistency risks. By data consistency risk we mean cases where one task/thread/ISR accesses data that another thread was in the process of accessing. By looking at the website of the tool, it looks promising. Howeve...

What algorithm to use to calculate a check digit?

What algorithm to use to calculate a check digit for a list of digits? The length of the list is between 8 and 12 digits. see also: How to generate a verification code/number? ...

"Maximum allowed trigger depth" in SQL Server?

I know about "Allow Triggers to Fire Others" server setting that allows the action taken by a trigger to fire another trigger (or not), and as I understand it, my only options are True (allow trigger to fire other triggers, which may lead to unending recursion) or False (actions taken by triggers will not fire any other triggers, which m...

How do I ensure data consistency in this concurrent situation?

The problem is this: I have multiple competing threads (100+) that need to access one database table Each thread will pass a String name - where that name exists in the table, the database should return the id for the row, where the name doesn't already exist, the name should be inserted and the id returned. There can only ever be one ...