
How to represent date and/or time information in JSON?

JSON text (RFC 4627) has unambigious representation of objects, arrays, strings, numbers, Boolean values (literally true or false) and null. However, it has nothing defined for representing time information like date and time of day, which is very common in applications. What are the current methods in use to represent time in JSON given...

Ensuring contact form email isn't lost (python)

I have a website with a contact form. User submits name, email and message and the site emails me the details. Very occasionally my server has a problem with it's email system and so the user gets an error and those contact details are lost. (Don't say: get a better server, any server can have email go down now and then and we do get a ...

My PHP app needs to export to a range of different XML formats: should I use XSLT or native PHP?

My PHP application will need to be able to export to (and import from) a range of different data formats, mostly XML based. I have the option of In PHP, use DOM to export to some XML based format that is a superset of all the data needed by the others, and create a separate XSLT stylesheet for each output format I want to support, run...

What data formats can AJAX transfer?

I'm new to AJAX, but as an overview I'd like to know what formats you can upload and download. Is it limited to JSON or XML or can you even send binary types like MP3 or UTF-8 HTML. And finally, do you have full control over the data, byte for byte in something like a byte array, or is only a string sent/received. ...

When and Why is XML preferable to CSV?

sometimes it feels like XML has been used just because it was fashionable. ...

What is the correct name for this data format?

I am a perfectionist and need a good name for a function that parses data that has this type of format: userID:12,year:2010,active:1 Maybe perhaps parse_meta_data() I'm not sure what the correct name for this type of data format is. Please advise! Thanks for your time. ...

ITL (iTunes Library) Format

I´m developing a Java solution for manage an iTunes Library (ITL file). The ITL format is a propietary one. I'm looking for an implementation or a documentation about ITL format but Google can't find anything useful. Does anyone have experience about that? Where to find more information? Thanks in advance. ...

Difficulty determining the file type of text database file

So the USDA has some weird database of general nutrition facts about food, and well naturally we're going to steal it for use in our app. But anyhow the format of the lines is like the following: ~01001~^~0100~^~Butter, salted~^~BUTTER,WITH SALT~^~~^~~^~Y~^~~^0^~~^6.38^4.27^8.79^3.87 ~01002~^~0100~^~Butter, whipped, with salt~^~BUTTER,W...

Most efficient format for transfering data to and from embedded devices

I'm having hard time to choose the format on which my server and my end points will communicate with. I am considering: JSON YAML Too hard to parse CSV Google Protobufs Binary packing/unpacking (with no use of casting/memset/memcpy to enable portability) Some form of DSL Any other suggestion you might have My criterias are ordered ...

If I have three separate values that could all fit into 32 bits, does it make sense to use a uint to store them?

What I mean is, say I have a struct to represent some data and it looks like this: struct LilStruct { public readonly short A; public readonly byte B; public readonly byte C; public LilStruct(short a, byte b, byte c) { A = a; B = b; C = c; } } A short and two byte values could all fit i...

Defining an XML format for a 2D array (Grid) of items

I need to define an XML format and then read it in ActionScript3, which will be storing: the number of rows and columns in a grid the horizontal and vertical spacing in pixels the size of each square in the grid in pixels an optional label for each square in the grid an optional hyperlink for each square in the grid The following is ...