
FTSE Price Feed

Hi, Does anyone know of a web service where I can get price feeds and charts for the FTSE 100 and DOW Jones index? I only need a delayed price feed not a real-time one. It is for display on a public website so I assume we'll need a provider that we can pay to license the information? Thanks, Chris ...

SQL Server Compact with Visual Studio 2008

I am running SQL server 2008 and Visual Studio 2008 on Vista. I downloaded SQL server compact 3.5 SP1 from Microsofts website and ran the install. When I open the server explorer for any windows application that I'm working on with VS 2008 and right click on data connections and then on add a connection a dialog comes up with available d...

SubSonic, SQLite and Unable to find Data Provider?

I am getting started with SubSonic. I wanted to change my db to sqlite and i have this in my config file <connectionStrings> <add name="NorthwindSQLite" connectionString="Data Source=C:\unzipped\WindowsFormsApplication1\my.db" providerName="System.Data.SQLite"/> </connectionStrings> I get the exception A first...