
Design SQL schema in Visual Studio and auto-generate SQL script to create and upgrade database

I don't know much about SQL but this is what I want: Visually design an SQL database schema in Visual Studio Let VS generate a create script for this database Track modifications to my schema and automatically generate upgrade SQL scripts Generate entity classes I can use with WCF (without circular ref problems) Is this possible some...

Generate script Insert in .net

Hi all, I have problem when trying generate script insert with specific condition. So far I am already trying this step. Add references Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo and Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo Add reference in code Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo Add this to script. var srv = new Server(@"localhost\SQLEXPRESS"); var db ...

Managing database scripts in your solutions

I usually create a solution folder in Visual Studio and put my DB scripts in them. I always use at least this set of scripts: Drop model Create model script User functions Stored procedures Static data (lookup tables) Test data (not deployed) Then I simply combine them and run against an SQL Server so I'm able to recreate the whole D...