
How do you manage database revisions on a medium sized project with branches?

At work we have 4 people working together on a few different projects. For each project we each have a local copy we work on and then there is a development, staging, and live deployment, along with any branches we have (we use subversion). Our database is MySQL. So my question is, what is a good way to manage which revisions to the dat...

How do I version a SQL Server Database?

I need to put versions onto a SQL Server 2005 database and have these accessible from a .NET Application. What I was thinking is using an Extended Properties on the Database with a name of 'version' and of course the value would be the version of the database. I can then use SQL to get at this. My question is does this sound like a go...

Database change management tools?

We are currently in the process of solidifying a database change management process. We run MySql 5 running on RedHat 5. I have selected LiquiBase as the tool because it's open source and allows us to expand its functionality later if needed. It also seems to be one of the few free projects that are still active. Has anyone here had any ...

Rake Strategy, DotNet Implementation

When reading about and playing with Rails last year, one of the tools that made the biggest impression on me was Rake. A database versioning system that keeps all dev db's identical integrated right into the build...something like that would make life so much easier (and safer)! However, one of the things that I haven't been able to fi...

Starting with versioning mysql schemata without overkill. Good solutions?

I've arrived at the point where I realise that I must start versioning my database schemata and changes. I consequently read the existing posts on SO about that topic but I'm not sure how to proceed. I'm basically a one man company and not long ago I didn't even use version control for my code. I'm on a windows environment, using Aptana...

How do you approach database versioning when doing regular builds?

I have a web application project that works with quite large database (over 5GB). Data in the database is partitioned by project. Each project takes approximately 1GB, and it is a minimal set for application to work (we do some math calculations that spread across this dataset and removing a part of the dataset is not an option). As a ...

Database Versioning Using Visual Studio

In the SO podcast episode 54 Jeff talked about using Visual Studio to save all the database objects to individual files. This sounded like just what my team needed to better implement database schema changes into TFS and I told my lead about it. He thinks it's a great idea to. Unfortunately, so far I've had no luck getting this to ...

Best Practice for Versioned Entities?

Good afternoon, I am currently in the very early phase of a new project written in .Net and using Entity Framework for data persistence/storage. One of the features required is the ability to 'version' certain model types. E.g. one model is one 'Requirement' which will have n 'Requirement Versions', basically having a way of going back ...

CouchDB versioning strategy

Would the following be a viable strategy for implementing versioning(using "example" as a sample document type): Have one original document where the type field is named example_original. Subsequent changes to the document all have type example_change and the id of example_original document as a key. The change would also carry a times...

Implementing article revision history for Java based web application

Any ideas of how best i can implement article revision history for a Java based web application and save it in AuditLog StackOverflow already has such a feature allowing one to see the differences from one version to another, almost like SVN clients. This is more of a design than implementation question. addition: How would one displa...

Database Change Management using hand generated scripts

My need is fairly basic and I don't want to rebuild the wheel. I like to script my database and have written scripts to update it from one version to the next ie 001-create-tables.sql, 002-alter-column.sql etc. What I want is a simple tool command line or MsBuild that will look at a database see what version the database is at (usin...

Nontrivial incremental change deployment with Visual Studio database projects

Let's assume that I'm doing some sort of nontrivial change to my database, which requires "custom" work to upgrade from version A to B. For example, converting user ID columns from UUID data type to the Windows domain username. How can I make this automatically deployable? That is, I want to allow developers to right-click the project, ...

Database versioning in installed applications using Delphi.

I'm working on a number of Delphi applications that will need to upgrade their own database structures in the field when new versions are released and when users choose to install additional modules. The applications are using a variety of embedded databases (DBISAM and Jet currently, but this may change). In the past I've done this wi...

SQL Server Database schema versioning and update

For my application I have to support update scenarios and the database might be affected. I want to be able to update from an old version to the newest without installing intermediate versions. E.g. Suppose I have version A (the oldest), B (intermediate) and C (new version). I want to be able to update version A straight to version C. ...

What is an easy way to deploy database changes using SQL Server?

The software system I work on is a medical billing system, large amounts of data and data tables, and stored procedures. I was reading the article "12 Steps to Better Code" and in The Joel Test #2 states: Can you make a build in one step? Now I was wondering, does this mean deployment build (so that a customer can update their deployme...

Need a .NET database versioning script runner

Hi Guys, I'm looking at versioning databases and came across the usual articles regarding how to do this (coding horror, ode to code, etc). This all make perfect sense to me, however I'm trying to find a script runner that will run the sql scripts for me. All these articles mention having something to run them automaticaly, but none of ...

Database migrations for Entity Framework 4

I've been playing with Entity Framework 4, using the model driven approach to generate the database script from my entities. This is great but I'm not sure how this works when it comes to versioning the database. I'm guessing if I wanted to use an active record type migration framework I'd have to work the other way around and generate m...

How to version SQL Server schema using VS 2005?

I am new to C# programming and am coming to it most recently from working with Ruby on Rails. In RoR, I am used to being able to write schema migrations for the database. I would like to be able to do something similar for my C#/SQLServer projects. Does such a tool exist for the VS 2005 toolset? Would it be wise to use RoR migrations...

How to implement Auditing/versioning of Table Modifications on PostgreSQL

hi all, We're implementing a New system using Java/Spring/Hibernate on PostgreSQL. This system needs to make a copy of Every Record as soon as a modification/deletion is done on the record(s) in the Tables(s). Later, the Audit Table(s) will be queried by Reports to display the data to the users. I was planning to implement this auditin...

How to create temporary tables in Hibernate?

Goal Invoke a CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE statement in Hibernate without using native SQL. That means using HQL or Hibernate APIs only. Save objects to the temporary table. Invoke a stored procedure which makes use of existing tables and the temporary table. DROP the temporary table when finished. (I know it's not necessary, but I think it'...