
Writing desktop app that uses database. Suggestions for how to manage user access to tables?

I'm writing a depsktop application (in Java) that interacts with a database which stores mostly requirements documents,but I have a bit of a dilemma. Specifically, a problem with managing user access. To illustrate, I store all details on the folder structures in a single table. However, I would like to institute a user-group mechanism...

User-sortable records

For each user in my webapp, there are n related Widgets. Each widget is represented in the database in a Widgets table. Users can sort their widgets, they'll never have more than a couple dozen widgets, and they will frequently sort widgets. I haven't dealt with database items that have an inherent order to them very frequently. What...

QT Database Interface... best place to get started?

I've been asked about using the QT database interface for Oracle. What's a good starting point for investigating this? Do you have any experience with it you can share? ...

Very basic database concepts in C#

I am writing a console program in C# and I need to use a database. I am looking for very basic tutorials on connecting with and using a db from a C# console program. I haven't been able to find anything basic enough yet and I hope people here can help me find the info I need. I've read the material on MSDN, but MSDN assumes basic knowl...

Beginner's database questions

I am, effectively, a bare beginner to databases, and am very inexperienced at programming generally. For a C# console app (I'm writing with VS Express), which after testing will have a UI added, I need to use a database to store its data. Can someone tell me, or point me to, bare beginner's explanations, and pros and cons, of these dat...

SQL Server SELECT Performance with JOINS

Hi, in SQL Server, I would like to know if there is any performance difference between doing this (A)... SELECT a.field1, a.field2, a.field3, b.field1 FROM table1 a INNER JOIN table2 b ON a.IDfield = b.IDfield and this (B)... SELECT a.field1, a.field2, a.field3, b.field1 FROM table1 a, table2 b WHERE a.IDfield = b.IDfield Well, thi...

DataSet help in C#

Hello, I connected an sql database in c# and now trying to put the contents into a dataset. How will I be able to do that? My code is: string constr = "Data Source=ECEE;Initial Catalog=Internet_Bankaciligi;User ID=sa"; SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(constr); SqlDataAdapter mySqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapt...

Best database engine for huge datasets

I do datamining and my work involves loading and unloading +1GB database dump files into MySQL. I am wondering is there any other free database engine that works better than MySQL on huge databases? is PostgreSQL better in terms of performance? I only use basic SQL commands so speed is the only factor for me to choose a database ...

Creating JUnit tests for database items with auto generated keys

I have a class with a primary key that is stored in a database. When creating a new instance of the class it can either be fetched from the HSQLDB database or for items not in the database it inserts everything but the primary key and this is autogenerated and returned to the class to set the id attribute. I then have a getID() method to...

Oracle Driver for Qt

Any oracle10g driver is available for QT3 ...

Pros/Cons - Encrypting File System (EFS) vs Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) for sql server

I want to encrypt sql server database files (2008) I want to make a choice between EFS and TDE. Any advice? Pros/Cons? ...

PHP + SQL Server - How to set charset for connection?

I'm trying to store some data in a SQL Server database through php. Problem is that special chars aren't converted properly. My app's charset is iso-8859-1 and the one used by the server is windows-1252. Converting the data manually before inserting doesn't help, there seems to be some conversion going on. Running the SQL query 'set ...

Actionscript 3.0 image scaling problems

I am currently building a Flash AS 3.0 application that allows a user to load images into a container, move and scale them and the outputs to a DB. Once the user has uploaded and scaled the images, they are directed to an album viewer which gets the photos out of the DB and puts them into heads. The issue i am having is that once the i...

Database problem: Fetching a default translation from a table

Good day, I have a MySQL table descriptions, which holds fields such as: lang_id, label, short_description, long_description and is_default. In my application, product descriptions are fetched from the database according to the current language. Everything works fine for now, however I'd like to add a default descriptions for each pro...

Multi-threaded code in CLR Stored Procs?

Are multi-threaded CLR stored procs possible? I have a data-intensive task with lots of potential for parallelization. CLR Stored Procs would be great to remove the overhead of moving the data out of process, my I fear that I'd have to give up parallel computing. What are my options? Note: We're on SQL Server 2005 with plans in the ...

Database naming conventions

I'm starting a new project and want to begin with a database naming convention that won't become a hindrance in the future. I want a consistent convention for tables and columns. At a previous employer I have seen all objects in upper case with underscores separating words. e.g. CREATE TABLE USER_TYPES (USER_TYPE_ID INT); Is this t...

Do I need to define a new primary key field for each table?

Hi, I have a few database tables that really only require a unique id that references another table e.g. Customer Holiday ******** ******* ID (PK) ---> CustomerID (PK) Forename From Surname To .... These tables such as Holiday, only really exist to hold information regarding a Customer. Therefore, do I need to s...

Database change management and build process using TFS

Anybody using Team Foundation Server for managing their databases? We are currently using subversion. Team is complaining that it is hard to create a build process in TFS and is shying away from it. Any good pointers, articles, experiences? ...

mysql database design??

I have a table in which I store ratings from users for each product.. The table consists of the following fields productid, userid, rating(out of 5)...This table might contain a million rows in the future.... So in order to select the top 5 products I am using the following query::. SELECT productid, avg( rating ) as avg_rating from pro...

sql db design retrieving and submitting nominal values

I have a simple table with autoincrementing ID's and one text column. id(int), value(nvarchar) In another User table I have this ID as a foreign key. When i retrieve datat using Linq to Sql, I get the text value of the associated ID in one simple call. What about when I need to save into the User table when i only have the text and n...