
DataListItem to DropDownList or TextBox VB.Net

I have a DataListItem which can potentially be a dropdownlist or a textbox. To get the value I would need to do: CType(item.FindControl("myControl"), TextBox).Text Or CType(item.FindControl("myControl"), DropDownList).SelectedValue.ToString() The problem is, if it's a dropdownlist I get.. Unable to cast object of type 'Syste...

How do I get all value in Datalist with one button in

I'm having problem getting all the values in datalist here is the problem: I have datalist which is populated dynamically from table in database, the aspx page is the bulk order page so there are many items in datalist and I want the user to be able to selct multiple orders at once in mode and select a buuton in which is called ch...

Retrieve data from Header template of Datalist

I have one checkbox control in Datalist Header and some controls in Item Template. On click of the "Submit" button in the page I should capture the state of controls from Datalist. For Item template I can get the values from datalist.Items property. How can I get the state of checkbox in "Header Template"? ...

how to use the template image button as the downlaod files in datalist?

how to use the template image button as the downlaod files in datalist? ...

jQuery replacing an image inside a .net datalist

(submit said I was trying to post an image so I've changed image everywhere to <img> I am trying to get jQuery to replace an <img> inside a datalist. The original <img> is the thumbnail image of a product on a category page. The small <img> I am clicking on are swatch images for the different colors of a product. I can get it to work usi...

linkbutton oncommand issue

I am using 2 linkbuttons inside seperate dataitem server controls on my web page <asp:LinkButton ID="Item1" runat="server" CommandName="first" OnCommand="Item1_Onclick" CommandArgument="<%# Container.DataItem %`>" Text="<%# Container.DataItem %`>" > </asp:LinkButton`> and <asp:LinkButton ID="Item2" runa... datalist - change styling

<asp:DataList ID="ItemsList" RepeatDirection="Vertical" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:LinkButton ID="SecondLevelItem" runat="server" CommandName="second" OnCommand="SecondLevelItem_Onclick" CommandArgument="<%# Container.DataItem %>" Text="<%# Container...