datapager Listview server side pagination

Hi, My scenario is i will get some data uploads in csv format in my server, that will have more than 60k records. and the column numbers might change file to file, now my problem is i want to display the contents of this in a listview, with pagination. and i don't want to download entire data to client side, i want the data to be retr...

Silverlight DataPager localization

Is it possible to localize DataPager's footer (Page X of Y) in Silvelright? The strings seem to be located in resources embedded in the assembly of DataPager. So how should I localize it? Unfortunately, almost nothing in the DataPager class is virtual and also many internal classes are used by it, so it is not possible (at least easily...

Silverlight, DataPager, RIA Services, and smart paging

I'm still trying to get my feet on the ground with Silverlight and RIA Services, and of course starting with some of the more "fun" stuff like grids and intelligent paging. I can connect to RIA Services (using a home-grown ORM, not L2S or EF), get data on the grid, and connect to a DataPager. The domain service is working well with the h...

How to perform server-side pagination by using a GridView and a DataPager in 3.5?

Hi I have a webform which uses a gridview control to show result of a search operation. I wanna to take advantage of using pagination in the webform. But as you all know, gridview pagination is a client-side pagination and it transfers all records have been selected to the client. What I mean by client-side pagination is the client (pa...

DataPager for WPF3.5?

Hi, I'd like to know if there is any free custom control DataPager for WPF3.5? Thank you very much. ...

How to convert a DataPager in a Composite Control

I'm trying to convert a datapager that references a ListView all inside a composite control. The ListView correctly displays the full list so now I need to reference a pager to it. But for some reason the datapager isn't being displayed or paging the ListView. Also the DataPager must use an OnPreRender method to databind the ListView to ...

asp:datapager control - a disabled="disabled"

Hello I have a datapager with next and previous buttons as so: <asp:DataPager ID="dpFeaturedPager" PagedControlID="lvFeaturedTips" QueryStringField="ftpg" PageSize="1" runat="server"> <Fields> <asp:nextpreviouspagerfield ButtonCssClass="featured-previous" PreviousPageText="Previous" ShowNextPageButton...

Partial updating of Listview with datapager using the querystringfield and hash

Im trying to create a datapager solution in like the one on the website. The solution should work like this: Listview inside a updatepanel (partial rendered / updated) based on hashed pageindex from querystring Support for navigation history points, so if someone goes to a detail page of one the...

Possible to cancel paging in ListView using DataPager

I'm using a datapager control on my listview to perform paging in it. When paging through the table, I need to perform some validations. When these validations are not successfull, the paging should be cancelled. I currently perform the validation in the PagePropertiesChanging event of the ListView, however, the arguments do not provid...

Set PageIndex of DataPager

I have a ListView that I am paging with a DataPager. I would like to set the initial page of the pager on Page_Load. I have tried the DataPager.SetPageProperties method but it's not doing what I need. Here's how I'm calling this method: dataPager.SetPageProperties(3, dataPager.TotalRowCount, false); The line above trims the datasou...

How to set the page number at runtime in datapager

I've created links in the listview which is attached to the datapager. When a user clicks a link they see content to the left but the datapager changes from any page to page 1. ...

ASP.NET 3.5 Customize DataPager

I currently have paging done manually and I use this code to display it <div class="pages_numbers"> <ul> <li><a href="#">1</a></li> <li><a href="#">2</a></li> <li><a href="#">&raquo; </a></li> </ul> </div> I want to use the DataPager control to do the paging for me, I've gotten the paging to work great, but I cant get the C...

DataPager reverse order

How to display pages from the last to the first number in DataPager? Is there any tricks or I can do this with standart properties? I use Repeater with LinqDataSource control. ...

Datapager in silverlight 4 -Nested datagrid visibility issue

I have a datagrid in silverlight with child datagrid nested in it. Also I have a DataPager on the outer datagrid. The code looks like this: <data:DataGrid x:Name="dgData" Width="600" ItemsSource="{Binding}" AutoGenerateColumns="False" IsReadOnly="True" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Hidden" CanUserSortColumns="Fa...

How can i scroll to an anchor?

First of all, I have bound a datapager control to a listview. I would like to scroll to the first item of the listview control on the DataPager click. I guess by using javascript, but it seems that the datapager does not allow that... So what option do i have? How can i scroll, onto a specific anchor, when clicking on the DataPager? ...

DataPager EventArgs

I'm using a DataPager control in my silverlight application. I have different pagers for different DataGrids and want to use the same event handler for the PageIndexChanged event for all of them. The delegate must take an EventArgs object as an argument. Can I use this object to "get back" to the control from which the event was fired?...

Paged ObjectDataSource results in PageSize -1

Hi, I'm using a ListView with a Paged DataSource. When the ObjectDataSource tries to fetch data from the "GetData"-method, the parameter PageSize is set to -1, even though I have set the PageSize to 8 in the DataPager. Have I forgotten something? <asp:ListView DataSourceID="odsProductIndex" ID="lstProductIndex" runat="server" OnItemDa...

Listview DataPager with ObjectDataSource problem

I was added the DataPager Control inside Listview. There is no problem while displaying the data. But When I click the Next page button I m getting error. Error: The Select operation is not supported by ObjectDataSource 'ObjectDataSource2' unless the SelectMethod is specified. protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) ...

SL4 datagrid with datapager and gridsplitter

Hi All, I have a grid with two Rows and a GridSplitter. In the first Row I have a StackPanel which has the DataPager and DataGrid in it. In the second Row I have the Expander Control vertically bottom aligned and Expand Direction Upward. The idea that the DataGrid will occupy all the space (vertically stretch) of both Rows but when th...

PageIndex is not updated correctly in Silverlight DataPager

Hi, I am trying to use silverlight DataPager to show a list of documents (which is really an implementation of IPagedCollectionView) with the display mode "FirstLastPreviousNext". When I click on 'next page' arrow I see the next portion of documents but the page number in data pager itself isn't incremented. Should I do it manually and ...