
jQuery DataTables server side processing and ASP.Net

I'm trying to use the server side functionality of the jQuery Datatables plugin with ASP.Net. The ajax request is returning valid JSON, but nothing is showing up in the table. I originally had problems with the data I was sending in the ajax request. I was getting a "Invalid JSON primative" error. I discovered that the data needs t...

Javascript and Performance, Use jquery or pure script?

I have a big data should be shown in a Table. I use javascript to fill the table instead of priting in HTML. Here is a sample data I use: var aUsersData = [[1, "John Smith", "...."],[...],.......]; the problem is that Firefox warns me that "There is a heavy script running, should i continue or stop?" I don't want my visitors see the...

Jquery DataTables Plugin

Hello Everyone , JQuery noob here ... I have a Question regarding the DataTables Plugin.DataTables link. The Plugin claims that: A common use case for this is when you are displaying live information which could be periodically updated Being a newbie, I cannot figure out how to initialize the Table using Ajax, so that the ta...

DataTables jQuery plugin nowrap for Ajax table

Hi All, Can someone give me an example of how to add a nowrap="nowrap" to a column when all information is generated on the fly for an ajax table? $('#results').dataTable({ "fnRowCallback": function( nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex ) { $(nRow).attr('id', aData[0]); return nRow; }, "bAutoWidth": false, "sPagi...

Should i pre-initialize a JQuery datatable?

I'm using JQuery Datatables and i'm wondering, for efficiency sake, if I should initialize the Datatable when the page loads. Then when the user submits their query, call the datatable API to addData? Alternatively i could just initialize the DataTable with the server query string. ...

jQuery - datatables, how to get column id

How to get a column id in datatable plugin for jquery I need column id for the update in database. ...

jquery dataTables plugin: dynamically modify ajaxSource

hello! on my page i have dataTable, which was initialized with, for example, sAjaxSource url like "/api/reports". when we're doing sorting, filtering it appends to url additional query-keys. I want do add keys "date_from" and "date_to" to sAjaxSource url (date intervals could be changed after table initialization). is there any entry-po...

jquery datatables question...

EDIT Nevermind... I really was missing the obvious... duh. I have a five-column table and am using jquery.datatables.js ( I'm trying to figure out how to remove sorting for the first and fifth columns so that it's not an option at all... I've tried the function below, but it's still adding a sort to the c...

jquery datatables using classic .asp

Hi there, I am trying to get the jquery datatables plugin pulling data using VBScript instead of PHP as shown on their website. Has anybody any advice on where to start or maybe seen this already implemented somewhere else? Any assistance would be great! Cheers! Decbrad ...

jquery with datatables plugin cannot select hidden columns

I've got a datatable with a hidden column. I want to apply a class to a visible column based upon the contents of the hidden column but I cannot make it work. I've tried enabling bSearchable to no avail. It doesn't seem as though I can access the hidden data. Any ideas greatly appreciated. ...

jQuery plugin DataTables: How to highlight the current search text?

Hi, I have started using the DataTables plugin (v1.6.2) for jQuery(v1.4.2), and I would like to ask you if you know a settings or a plugin that allow me to highlight the text used in search textbox on the filtered rows. Thank you in advance ...

Datatables - enable js filtering using server-side processing

Hi,all. I'm using jquery datatables library with server-side processing enabled. Is there any options (or just a certain place in code - to write smth like a 'hack') to enable default js filtering instead of sending ajax queries to server? Tried to find it, but no luck -> it seems that library hardly enables server-side searching(filter...

How to store sorted records in csv file ?

I sort the records of the datatable datewise with the column TradingDate which is type of datetime. TableWithOnlyFixedColumns.DefaultView.Sort = "TradingDate asc"; Now I want to store these sorted records into csv file but stored records are not sorted by date. TableWithOnlyFixedColumns.DefaultView.Sort = "TradingDate asc"; DataTab...

Datatables pagination characters "<<" and "<" not displaying correctly in IE and Safari

I'm using the DataTables jQuery plugin and am having issues with the First and Previous pagination links displaying correctly in IE and Safari (Firefox and Opera work). "<<" and "<" display as "<" and "". $(document).ready(function () { oTable = $('#fileList').dataTable({ "bJQueryUI": true, "sPaginationTy...

Sending search request to Datatables jquery plugin

Has anyone ever sent a search request from one page to the dataTables jquery plugin on another page? I'm not sure if its even designed to work that way. ...

How to sorting by Dates with DataTables jquery plugin?

Hi I am using the datatables jquery plugin and want to sorty by dates. I know they got a plugin but I can't find where to actually download it from I believe I need this file: dataTables.numericComma.js yet I can't find it anywhere and when I download datatables it does not seem to be in the zip...

jQuery DataTables plugin -- adding a custom option select filter

Anyone know how to add a custom option select filter to a jQuery DataTable? Basically, like this example page but instead of having min/max text fields... change them to select options. ...

Jquery datatables - change settings value on fly?

Hello,is it possible to change datatables settings value on fly.My problem is next,I need to change sAjaxSource on fly.Already try something like this : var oDefault = { "bServerSide": true, "bProcessing": true, "bJQueryUI": true, "bLengthChange": false, "bFilte...

How can I write Join statements on dataset..

How can I write Join statements on dataset.. I have data in xml format..I can load that data into a dataset.. but how do i fetch data from two datatables using a join query ...

Is it possible to repeat table headers with jQuery DataTables?

I'm using the jQuery DataTables plugin, which is working really great so far. However my table is quite long so I want to repeat the headers every ~30 rows or so. I tried it and got this alert when I loaded the page: DataTables warning: Unexpected number of TD elements. Expected 5230 and got 4980. DataTables does not support rowspan ...