
How do you add a superscript character into a Powerbuilder textbox?

Is there any way to do this in the Powerbuilder properties window for a datawindow's textbox? ...

Convert an array to object[]

Hi there! I am working on a winforms application that uses Sybase Basically I have a datawindow that retrieves data (dw_retailer.Retrieve(id)) and what I get back is an object list. The datawindow itself excists of labels and textboxes and I bind the data like this newRetailer.foto1 = ((object[])(dataWindowControl.Prima...

How could I create a Gantt-like chart in a datawindow (Powerbuilder)

I want a rather simple (and cheap) solution, just for presentation purposes (and just to show the task duration bars - no connection lines between them). So, I am not interested in buying some advanced custom control like this for example. Have any of you ever used something like this? Are there any code samples available? ...

Saving a datawindow as PDF in PB 10.5

I have a grid datawindow with a picture in it's background (with dimensions of an A4 page) and I would like to export both data and the picture as a (single page) PDF file. I used several combinations of the following commands but at most I got a 0-sized pdf. //dw_1.Modify("Datawindow.Export.PDF.Method = Distill! ") //dw_1.Modify("Data...

Emulating hyperlink functionality in datawindow text fields

The idea is rather simple. Some datawindow (not web datawindow) varchar fields contain detailed descriptions. I was wondering if it is possible to provide the following (wikipedia-like) functionality to users: The ability to click (or dbl-click or whatever) on specific words of the text, while reading (which somehow should be indicated a...

How to show unexpandable nodes in Powerbuilder Tree Datawindow

I am using a tree datawindow in powerbuilder. This repesents a mixture of tree and table. My problem is: the tree doesn't visibly distinguish between expandable und non-expandable nodes. If a node is not expandable, the icon in front of the node is still a plus sign, and if I click on the plus sign, the tree shows an empty node below t...

How powerbuilder's datawindow executes insert command

I am new to powerbuilder and having a lot of trouble using datawindows. I can't get my head around the insert mechanism of it. Can someone explain it to me, or at least point me in the right direction(article, tips etc...) ? ...

powerbuilder: insert data using datawindow

Hi, suppose I have a table called 'test', into which there are three columns named test_id, test_name and test_age. I have used a retrieval argument called :al_test_id to promot the user to insert an id and search the database for the corresponding id entries, and if found, display it to the user. Now if no entry is found, then I want th...

powerbuilder: How can I make sure that a text field in datawindow is not empty?

Hi, I have a user object which is using pfc services. Now, during update, how can I make sure that a text field in datawindow is not empty? ...

Powerbuilder : How to write validation expression for a field

Hi, I have a datawindow containing multiple fields. I want to write a validation expression for a field named amount. I have another two fields named debit and credit. If the sum of debit and credit is greater than amount, then I want to show a validation message to the user. How can I write the required validation expression in the Co...

Datawindow field : accept only positive numbers

I want to make a datawindow field accept only positive numbers. How can I do that? Edit I know I can validate the column using column specification's validation expression system. But is there any format available which I can put into the Format property and be done with it? ...

Powerbuilder: How can I specify current date as initial value for a datawindow field

Hi, I have a datawindow where I have a date field. I want to specify an initial value into that date field when a row is retrieved from the database. From the Column Specification, I want to set the initial date value of that field to current date. Is there any keyword or function which I can write in the Initial Value field? ...

Powerbuilder: Making certain rows editable and certain rows non-editable in a datawindow

Hi, how can I make certain rows editable and certain rows non-editable of a datawindow? I am adding the rows using pfc_addrow() event of the datawindow, and I want some of them to be editable and some of them to be non-editable. Is there any way to do it? ...