
"Date of birth" validation: How far/much would you go?

I'm quite anal about form validation. So while creating a validator for a "data of birth" (DOB) field in one of my current projects for a job application form (platform/language is neutral in this context), I wanted something to prevent 'punky' inputs. I used a date picker and restricted the max date to be XX years from the current day....

Html Birthdate input usability best practice

Hello everybody, I am going to implement standard functionality - birthdate input on web form for PC. There are lots of interfaces how to implement this. Date picker (OMG, I can't stand picking date with it. Too many clicks required) 3 Dropdown lists. Day, Month, Year. (I am not very fond of it though - they are too long) Straightf...

How would I determine zodiac / astrological star sign from a birthday in Python?

I am building a dating site in Django / Python. I have birthday dates and need to show what the person's Zodiac sign is based on their birthday. Anybody done this before? What would be the most efficient way of accomplishing this? ...

PHP: calculating birthday from age.

Yes, this may sound strange. In the advanced profile searching form, where you can filter by age. Now you would type 18 or some other age in the field. I am storing the birthdays, in the mysql db, in the birthday field in users i have example: 1990-02-02 How can i filter by age then, in a query? Should i first make a query before, m...