
Silverlight Date Formats

Hello everyone, I'm getting some very strange date formatting issues in my Silverlight application. My local culture is set to UK, yet I am consistently seeing US dates popping up all over the place. I can easily hardcode these to UK format in specific loactions using: <UserControl ... Language="en-GB"...> But as I'm sure you'd all ...

Can I alter DateFormat.SHORT to include seconds or something similar?

Hi, In my application I am using code like this: DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.SHORT, locale); df.setTimeZone(User.getTimeZone()); String s = df.format(d); to format dates in an application that is used across different locales. I'd like to, sometimes, add seconds to this but I don't wan...

Convert to dd/mmm/yyyy

I am retrieving date from MySQL in the format yyyy/mm/dd 00:00:00. I want to convert this date into format dd/MMM/yyyy in PHP. How to do this? ...

Get date format like "Y-m-d H:i:s" from a php date

Hello, did someone knows a way to get a string from date that contains the format of the date? <?php $date = date ("2009-10-16 21:30:45"); // smething like this? print date_format ($date); ?> I ask this because I'd like to optimize this function I've wrote, usual to get date with a different timezone from server, without ...

flex3 Format date without timezone

I'm receiving a date from a server in milliseconds since 1-1-1970. I then use the DateFormatter to print the date to the screen. However, Flex adds timedifference and thus it displays a different time than what I got from the server. I've fixed this by changing the date before printing to screen. But I think that's a bad solution because...

Convert rss pubDate to EST in .NET

I am trying to convert the pubDate in the Rss to EST. If you look at the links posted below, they have different timezones. Is there a function which takes any type of dateformat and convert to EST ?

Java Date Format Helper Text Localized For UI

Maybe I'm going about this all wrong but here goes... I'm trying to allow users of my Portlet app to input a date in whatever their localized format would normally be. I plan to parse the string date using a SimpleDateFormat object based on the user's current Locale on the backend. I'm pretty sure that part will work (right?) but I'm ...

Java date format - including additional characters

Is there an equivalent to php date() style formatting in Java? I mean, in php I can backslash-escape characters to have them treated literally. I.e. yyyy \y\e\a\r would become 2010 year. I did not find anything similar in Java, all examples deal only with built-in date formats. In particular, I deal with JCalendar date pickers and thei...

Java DateFormat and SimpleDateFormat returning a date that is incorrect

Today is Tuesday, February 9, 2010 and when I print the date I get the wrong date: SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Date today = formatter.parse(String.format("%04d-%02d-%02d", Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR), Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MONTH), Calendar.getInsta...

jQuery.ui.datepicker with Asp.Net MVC dateFormat mapping

Is there somewhere somebody who did a mapping of the c# dateFormat to the datePicker dateFormat, since I already know the C# dateFormat, I don't want to have to check the datepicker documentation everytime I have to build a custom date Format. for exmple, i want to be able to specify in my helper dateFormat of 'dd/MM/yy'(c#) and it woul...

DateTime::createFromFormat in PHP < 5.3.0

I'm looking for a function identical to DateTime::createFromFormat but I need it to work in an environment running a version of PHP which is older than v5.3. Basically I need to provide a format, like you'd use with the Date() function, and I then need to parse/validate a string against that format, and return a timestamp if the string i...

MySQL DATE_FORMAT comparison to CURDATE() query...

Hey guys, I am just trying to pull all the records from my database who have a rec_date (varchar) stored as m/d/Y and are expired (as in, less than curdate()), and this call isn't giving me what I want: SELECT member_id, status, DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE(rec_date, '%m/%d/%Y'), '%Y-%m-%d') AS rec FROM members WHERE rec_...

format result of dat calc in linq

Hi I have a calculation in a linq query, although it brings back the correct nuber of days, Im not sure how to better format it select new { time = (System.DateTime.Today - cs.date_case_opened), }; just now it shows eg 4:00:00:00 if the difference is 4 days, any ideas how i can present this b...

How to format a date in VisualForce?

In Salesforce, if I'm binding a date into a VisualForce page, how do I apply custom formatting to it? Example: <apex:page standardController="Contact"> <apex:pageBlock title="Test"> <p>{!contact.Birthdate}</p> </apex:pageBlock> <apex:detail relatedList="false" /> </apex:page> This will output a date in...

SimpleDateFormat give inconsistent results

I am trying to parse a date and I am getting different results when I run the code locally/BST compare to a server in Paris/CEST. I've reproduced the issue in a the following sample. This is trying to parse the start date for the Australian Grand Prix. TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("AET"); DateFormat dateFormat = new Simp...

set calendar extender format

Does anyone know if there is a way of specifying the Format of a calendar extender with a dynamic value from the aspx? I tried this but it doesnt seem to set the format at all. Does anyone see anything wrong with it: <asp:TextBox ID="tbStartDate" runat="server" /> <act:CalendarExtender ID="clndrStartDate" PopupPosition="Right" r...

DateFormat conversion problem in java?

my input String is : 2010-03-24T17:28:50.000Z output pattern is like: DateFormat formatter1 = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE. MMM. d. yyyy"); i convert this like this: formatter1.format(new Date("2010-03-24T17:28:50.000Z"));//illegalArgumentException here the string "2010-03-24T17:28:50.000Z" ouput should be like this: Thu. Mar. 24. 20... date format from textbox > MS SQL query

Hi folks, I have a date column in a DB tabel that I want to query using a date taken from textbox.text. the user selects a date from the calendar in the format dd/MM/yyyy. I want to use that date to put into a query. How do i format the date to be able to query the database? Dim datefrom As String =txtDateFrom.Text Dim dateto As St...

What is the correct date format for a Date column in YUI DataTable ?

I have produced a data table. All the columns are sortable. It has a date in one column which I formatted dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss . This is different from the default format as defined in the doco, but I should be able to define my own format for non-american formats. (See below) The DataTable class provides a set of built-in static fu...

Help needed in formatting date in Java

Hi I have the following date as String format. Input 2010-04-20 05:34:58.0 Output I want the string like 20, Apr 2010 Can someone tell me how to do it ? ...