
IDebugControl::WaitForEvent works once then returns E_HANDLE

I'm trying to make a small tool that makes use of the Debugger Engine API, but I'm having very limited success. I can get my IDebugClient and IDebugControl instances, and from there I am able to attach into an already running user process. I then enter a main loop where I call WaitForEvent, OutputStackTrace, SetExecutionStatus(DEBUG_ST...

IDebugSymbols::GetNameByOffset and overloaded functions

I'm using IDebugSymbols::GetNameByOffset and I'm finding that I get the same symbol name for different functions that overload the same name. E.g. The code I'm looking up the symbols for might be as follows: void SomeFunction(int) {..} void SomeFunction(float) {..} At runtime, when I have an address of an instruction from each of the...

How do I debug Illegal Instruction exception?

I'm getting this exception when trying to use dbgeng from mdbglib: First-chance exception at 0x037ba4f4 (dbgeng.dll) in ASDumpAnalyzer.exe: 0xC000001D: Illegal Instruction. I'm wondering how to go about debugging this? It is throwing on the assembly instruction vmcpuid. When I step over that instruction the code works as expected. St...

WinDbg, display Symbol Server paths of loaded modules (even if the symbols did not load)?

Is there a way from WinDbg, without using the DbgEng API, to display the symbol server paths (i.e. PdbSig70 and PdbAge) for all loaded modules? I know that lml does this for the modules whose symbols have loaded. I would like to know these paths for the symbols that did not load so as to diagnose the problem. Anyone know if this is...

Can I use DbgEng extension DLL in custom application?

Hi all, I am curious can I use DbgEng extension without WinDbg. For example is it possible to use DbgEng extension from managed .NET application? Regards, Remsy ...