
Rails: rake db:migrate *very* slow on Oracle

I'm using rails with the oracleenhanced adaptor to create a new interface for a legacy application. Database migrations work successfully, but take an incredibly long amount of time before rake finishes. The database changes happen pretty quickly (1 or 2 seconds), but the db/schema.db dump takes over an hour to complete. (See example mi...

Why doesn't rake db:migrate report version number?

rake 0.8.7, rails/activerecord 2.3.3 Output from rake db:migrate: == CreateProducts: migrating ================================================= -- create_table(:products) -> 0.0017s == CreateProducts: migrated (0.0019s) ======================================== Shouldn't the version number, in this case 20090724013528, appear b...

Rails: I update migratation file then run db:migrate, but my schema isn't updating.

Im trying to add an extra field to one of my tables. Ive added the field in the migration file (under db\migrate) then ran 'rake db:migrate' which ran without troubles and my text editor even told me my schema.db file has been updated and needs to refresh. The schema file does not contain my new field and any attempts to reference the ...

Rails: rake db:migrate suddenly starts at version 0 again, should start at version 16

Hi, today I just ran rake db:migrate... well, two things happened, first it reversed from version 2 to 0, so it smashed my user db (very very annoying) and now it wants to migrate vom version 1. But it should start at version 16. Any Ideas? Shema.rb is okay and right. ...

Rails Locally Installing Rails Application rake db:migrate returns

I have a private Rails app that I'm trying to install locally. It's currently running in a hosting environment but I'd like to install it locally to begin making changes. I've already worked out that I can make deploy updates to the 'live' server but a recent misstep 'reinforced the need to make changes locally'. After a fair amount of...

Configuring and running Ruby-On-Rails migrations

Hi, I'm (completely) new to ROR and have got an application to maintain and upgrade. I've the source code and am trying to build database using db:migrate rake command. I've started using Aptana Studio for the development. When I run dg:migrate I get following errors: rake db:migrate (in G:/Projects/.../.../trunk) MissingSourceFile no s...

Database Change Management - Setup for Initial Create Scripts, Subsequent Migration Scripts

I've got a database change management workflow in place. It's based on SQL scripts (so, it's not a managed code-based solution). The basic setup looks like this: Initial/ Generate Initial Schema.sql Generate Initial Required Data.sql Generate Initial Test Data.sql Migration 0001_MigrationScriptForChangeOne.sql 0...

Problem with rake db:migrate

When I try rake db:migrate, I get the following error: !!! The bundled mysql.rb driver has been removed from Rails 2.2. Please install the mysql gem and try again: gem install mysql. rake aborted! no such file to load -- mysql And when I try to "gem install mysql" Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error in...

SQL Server: pushing development to production?

I'm currently using SQL Server Management Studio. I have a development database, and access to a live database. I just want to able to migrate my development tables to the live server. I'm consulting stack flow first, since I don't want to blow anything up. ...