
DB2 Stored Procedure DBVisualizer

I am using DBVisualizer to execute a z/os DB2 stored procedure. Call DB001.MYTEST2('NY', 'Brooklyn', '11229', '2009-07-31'); I get this error message, Literal replacement parsing failed for procedure call to DB2 for z/OS. ERRORCODE=-4463, SQLSTATE=42601 Has anyone seen this before? ...

Not able to query after Alter table in DB2

We have a table someone created in DB2. I have no idea how they created it. But when I edit the table, It edits just fine. But after edit I can not query the table at all THE COLUMN CANNOT BE ADDED TO THE TABLE BECAUSE THE TABLE HAS AN EDIT PROCEDURE. I looked ibm site and found this how to edit table using procedure But I have no idea...

something funny with embedded hsql

Hello good people i'm just curious about something.I'm using hsql in myproject (embedded of course).At some time i felt the need to visualize what hibernate was generating.I took a free copy of dbvisualizer. here is the hsqljdbc.properties jdbc.url=jdbc:hsqldb:file:mydb;create=true hibernate hbm2ddl.auto=create i downloaded t...

Can AS/400 Database Tables Be Hidden?

I was trying to delete a record from a table in AS/400 database. I got an error message saying that there is a referential integrity to another table XYZ in the same Schema ABC. To my wonder, that table was not in the list of the tables shown by my DbVisualizer database client. Then I decided to do a select on that table (ABC.XYZ) - bu...