
Hiding private fields without using attributes.

There are two problems with [DebuggerBrowsable]. First, it needs to be on all your fields. And second, if your using auto properties, you don't have fields. Is there any way to (temporarily) get the debugger to only show public properties, or atleast hide the auto-generated backing field of c#'s auto properties? I'm probably dreaming, ...

How to force Google Chrome to show backtrace on exception?

Is it possible (using plugin or maybe some config option) to make javascript error console to show error backtrace? ...

VC++2008 Debugger doesn't find library sources

An exception got thrown from a lib I use in my project. As I looked at the callstack, I clicked at the lib function that threw the exception. An "Open File" dialog popped up, prompting me to tell it where the lib source is located. Now clearly something is wrong. This should happen automatically somehow. How do I tell VS where to look fo...

Visual Studio 2010 debug in a fixed port

Is it possible to choose a fixed port for the Visual Studio 2010 debug webserver? ...

Copy object values in Visual Studio debug mode

In Visual Studio debug mode it's possible to hover over variables to show their value and then right-click to "Copy", "Copy Expression" or "Copy Value". In case the variable is an object and not just a basic type, there's a + sign to expand and explore the object. It there a way to copy all that into the clipboard? ...

Does the Visual Studio debugger implicitly cast smaller types to int?

Does the Visual Studio 2008 debugger implicitly cast all smaller data types to int? I have a function with the following signature: public int DoSomething(sbyte value) { ... } When pass in -127 and I look at the value argument the Visual Studio debugger (e.g. Watch window) shows me that it has the value 0xFFFFFF81. This is correct exc...

Unable to run winpdb

I tried to run, but I got an error saying that it could not find wxPython. This is strange to me because I know I have wxPython installed and included in my PYTHONPATH. I can import wx in the Python interpreter. Mac OS X 10.5.8 Python 2.6 PYTHONPATH=/sw/lib/python2.6/site-packages/:/usr/local/lib/wxPython-unicode-

Visual C++: Invalid allocation size. How to force the debugger to stop on this message?

The MFC program I am debugging is printing this message in the "Output" window in Visual Studio 9.0: HEAP[AppName.exe]: Invalid allocation size - 99999998 (exceeded 7ffdefff) I'm pretty sure this is due to a bad "new", uninitialized variable or similar error. The question is: how do I get the debugger to stop on this message so that ...

Eclipse CDT Debugger Issue, v. .metadata does not exist

I am attempting to use the gdb/mi debugger in the Eclipse CDT version 6.02. While I am debugging I can step through the program with ease up until I reach the following snippet of a block of code. ENUM_START_TYPE My_Class::some_function( const char * c, const char * e) { ENUM_START_TYPE result = GENERIC_ENUM_VALUE; if ( c[0] ...

Avoiding display of Visual Studio Debugger when starting a new process from within java.exe

How can I, from within a java program on windows, prevent a debugger window being displayed if a program I invoke crashes, and how can I detect the fact that it has crashed? Background I have a problem with a java application running on Windows which is launching an unreliable third party program by way of ProcessBuilder.start(). Speci...

Xcode "The program being debugged is not being run" error- need help!

I saw the other question here with the similar error yet their fixes did not help. I have a jailbroken iphone 3.1.2, and I just purchased apple's $99 dollar thing and I'm trying to make it so I can debug my apps on the phone. The device installs but will not run when clicked build and go. If I click on the icon made on the iphone it wo...

What kind of programs can gdb be used to debug?

Can GDB be used to debug programs in languages other than C or C++, like Java? ...

get function address from name [.debug_info ??]

Hi, I was trying to write a small debug utility and for this I need to get the function/global variable address given its name. This is built-in debug utility, which means that the debug utility will run from within the code to be debugged or in plain words I cannot parse the executable file. Now is there a well-known way to do that ? ...

How do I get my Jscript Debugger to Attach to a Process?

I get the following JScript Debugger error when I click on the Start Debugging button in the Script tab of the Developer Tools (F12) window: Unable to attach to the process. Another debugger might be attached to the process. Closing all browser windows and launching ie again has no effect.Ending the process tree in Windows Task Man...

How to debug javascript program.

Hi All. I can't find great way to debug javascript. I know firebug on firefox, but it's not best way I think. I want to put break point and trace program but I can't with it. Do you know good tool or how to trace the program. ...

What does it mean in Visual Studio debugger value "{ }" ?

Hi all, I have in my Visual Studio 2008 .NET C# project one property observed and debugger shows open and immediately closed curly brackets "{}". I believe it is uninitialized (I)List, but why it does not shows "null" or "unitialized". What does "{}" it means ? br, Milan. ...

CT error 2:-308 on Xcode's debugger console

Hello. I'm developing an iPhone application that uses compass and GPS. I've had an interference with compass, and I see on debugger console the following error: CT error 2:-308 I don't understand the error. Any advice? ...

Have you ever crashed a debugger?

The title says it all. Recently I was debugging a project and the debugger (GDB 7.1) crashed all of a sudden, because of an endless recursion while trying to print a graph structure. At first I couldn't even imagine that a debugger could crash (a stable version) but it had. So it's really interesting to me, have you ever crashed a debugg...

Problems debugging a program that needs admin rights under Win7

I'm running VS2K8 in Win7 64-bit. I'm logged in as admin and I'm running it as admin, but the program I'm working on fails with access denied when I call a restricted API. If run the program from Explorer with "Run as Administrator" it works. I was under the belief that VS2K8 debugs programs with whatever rights VS2K8 itself is running ...

How to Activate Breakpoints in a Dependent Project (a framework) in XCode

I have an Xcode project that has an other project as a dependent project. My main Xcode project links agains a framework in that dependent project. Now I want to track down something in my framework. How can I set break points in that dependent project so that when I'm starting my main Xcode project they stop in the dependent project? ...