
Finding Dll Function Parameters

How would one go about finding the parameters of an undocumented Dll function? I have searched all over the internet and have found one way involving decorated functions but I cannot find a way to get those. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! ...

Get decorated function object by string name

def log(func): def wraper(*a, **kw): return func(*a, **kw) return wraper @log def f(): print 'f' print locals()['f'] # - prints <function wraper at 0x00CBF3F0>. How do you get the real f object (not decorator wrap)? ...

C++ DLL Export: Decorated/Mangled names

Created basic C++ DLL and exported names using Module Definition file (MyDLL.def). After compilation I check the exported function names using dumpbin.exe I expect to see: SomeFunction but I see this instead: SomeFunction = SomeFunction@@@23mangledstuff#@@@@ Why? The exported function appears undecorated (especially compared to no...

Cocoa touch: decorating text

I've added a UIAppFont to my plist, and, happily, am able to write a custom font to my display. Now, if I had to display this custom font in a very large size with a yellow outline and purple in the middle- how in the world would I achieve that?? ...