
Delphi 2010, DeHL, file not found

Hi, Have installed trial version of Delphi 2010, and hoped to get a look at DeHL. There must be something that I have missed out on, though, cause I can't find out how to include any of the units without getting a 'file not found'-error at compile time... What I have done, is to include the path to the pas-files in the projects 'Incl...

Delphi 2010 DeHL Serialization XML and custom attribute : how it work ?

Hi all, I try to investigate DeHL with Delphi 2010 custom attribute and I get problem. TAppParamTest = class public User: string; Password: string; end; TAppParam = class private FTest: TAppParamTest; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; property Test: TAppParamTest read FTest w...

Delphi DeHL Deserialize XML File in newer class ?

Hi all, I use DeHL to serilize XML and class in Delphi and if add property to my class and try to deserialize my XML file. I have this error : ‘Deserializing « \TApp\FObject\test » failed. Serializer reported it’s missing or other entity is currently read!’. I understand quite well this problem but is there a way to put default value i...