
How can I split an attribute's value within LINQ(-to-XML)?

I've been feeling like start doing some fun stuff with my delicious bookmarks and LINQ to XML, and I was wondering if there's a way to split the tag attribute within LINQ. What I've meant with split the tag within LINQ was generating a collection of strings for each post element, so the expected result would be a generic collection of p...

Delicious API - All bookmarks for a given website?

Is there a way for me to get at a list of the URLs on my website which people have bookmarked on the website? Their documentation appears to make no reference to wildcard searches or anything other than individual URLs. Any suggestions? ...

Selectively allow unsafe html tags in Plone

I'm searching for a way to put widgets from several services (PicasaWeb, Yahoo Pipes, Delicious bookmarks, etc.) on the community site I host on Plone (currently 3.2.1). I'm looking for a way to allow a group of users to use dangerous html tags. There are some ways I see, but I don't know how to implement those. One would be changing sa...

delicious bookmarks - urls frequently bookmarked

I haven't found any pre-made scripts that would help me analyze my delicious bookmarks. I want to know if there are any websites that I tend to frequently bookmark. I know I can export my bookmarks and can go from there. Has anyone done this? How have you gone about it? On a side note - are there any RSS readers that do something simila...

Need help adding a bookmark to Delicious using cURL

I'm trying to write a class that can add a bookmark to my Delicious account. Here's my method: public function addBookmark($url, $description) { $dusername = 'myUsername'; $dpassword = 'myPassword'; $api = ''; $link = urlencode($url); $desc = urlencode($description); $apicall = "https://$dusername:$d...

how to download all the tags from delicious

how to download all the tags from delicious, like all the tags shown in: ...

Delicious English Only

How I can see English only bookmarks on Delicious? They don't have built-in support as of now. Is it possible via Javascript Bookmarklet or by some API? Thanks. ...

Can OAuth access tokens be used for securing Permanent access to an account?

Can I use the request token given by the OAuth provider and use it forever? I am looking to build a service which interacts with the Delicious api and looks for updated bookmarks every fortnight. I was just wondering if I could use the same request token instead of asking the user to authenticate again and again. If I cannot, which is w...

Basic CMS for bookmarks (delicious clone)

I am looking for a basic open source CMS to build social bookmarks site like I need just basic functionality: Users should have pages like where titles and links for the bookmarked sites will be displayed. Ability to check who else added a specific URL to the bookmarks. Bookmarklet to quickly add a site ...

I need to two bookmarkets for delicious

I am current researching on something and I need to create , lets say, two bookmarkets. If I need to read this article later then I just want to click on that bookmarket and it should tag the current open page with read_it_later tag. The second bookmarket should do similar thing. This one is for watch_video_later. I don't want any prom...

I want to port my delicious bookmarks to my website

I started building a app that will automatically download my delicious bookmarks, and save to a database, so they I can view them on my own website in my favoured format. I am forced to use oAuth, as I have a yahoo id to login to delicious. The problem is I am stuck at the point where oAuth requires a user to manually go and authenticat...

Problem accessing delicious api with ajax

I'm using the following jQuery code to try and access the delicious api, but it's not working. If I go directly to the api url in the browser it returns the xml as expected, so the url is correct. Anyone got any ideas what's up? Could be that it's https, but teh jQuery documentation doesn't explicitly forbid this. $(document).ready(fu...

How to interpret this date value?

HI, When I am importing my delicious bookmarks to a html file, the date when the bookmarks get added comes as a attribute ADD_DATE. The values for it are like 1265772027, 1265767184 etc.. How do I convert these values to actual date and time??? I am at a loss at interpreting these. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. ...

An idea for something similar to delicious bookmarking

Hi, This is an idea more than a question, but I thought it would be the right community. I really like mindmapping as a way to organise information and I think it would be really cool to have a piece of software that allowed you to organise bookmarks into a dynamic mind map. If I get time I would start to create such a thing. Any thoug...

Access Delicious API via Yahoo ID without redirect to Yahoo authorizing page

To be more specific: My delicious account is a Yahoo ID so access via OAuth is required. It's for my use only to add/remove bookmarks. I have the password. It's a command line python program, not web-based. My question is: Is it possible to access my delicious account without being redirected to a Yahoo OAuth authorization page? Any...

PHPDelicious - Fail to Connect to Delicious

phpdelicious ( is a wrapper class for pulling in your delicious bookmarks using php. But I can't get it to work. Here's my code - my index.php: <?php require(''); define('DELICIOUS_USER', 'my-user-name-here'); define('DELICIOUS_PASS', 'my-password-here'); $oDelicious = new PhpDelicious(...

Create a Dellicious Bookmarklet in Firefox using Delicious API

I want to create a Delicious bookmarklet in Firefox that bookmarks the current page with a predefined tag. For proof of concept, if I enter this url, it works: https://john:[email protected]/v1/posts/add?url=; description=;tags=testtag But this as a bookmarklet doesn't, I get ac...

Using cURL/OAuth to access api

I'm following this tutorial to access the api, but this is my first time using cURL or OAuth so hitting a few snags. I'm using the following code $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ";oauth_timestamp="+$timestamp+"&amp;oauth_co...

Closing popup window created by Google Chrome extension

I'm trying to create a Chrome extension that is a replacement for the Delicious bookmarklet. I know there's already an extension that does it, but the problem with that extension is that after you bookmark a site, the popup window stays open (as opposed to using the bookmarklet, where the popup closes itself after submitting the form. I ...