
Why does OnMouseMove fire repeatedly when the mouse is not moving in D2010?

I'm porting a Delphi 5 app to D2010, and I've got a bit of a problem. On one form is a TImage component with an OnMouseMove event that's supposed to update a label whenever the mouse is moved over the image. This worked just fine in the original app, but now the OnMouseMove event fires constantly whenever the mouse is over the image, w...

Need file signatures for different database types.

I've been assigned the task of creating an import utility as part of our application, and as part of the requirements, we need to be able to import from as many different file types as possible. For the most part, this is fine, the initial loading of data comes from a component that then passes it up so we can put everything in it's pro...

How do I make DBX know that fields from joins shouldn't be updated during ApplyUpdates?

I've got some code that builds a map (graph) of rooms on a grid with links between them. It's stored in a Firebird database with rooms in one table and links in another. The data is managed through DB Express TSimpleDataset datasets. The query for the Exits (links) table looks like this: select EXITS.*, r1.x as x, r1.y as y, ...

expand/collapse TreeView only by node image click

Hi all I have on my form a TreeView with a lots of items/nodes. When I double click a item of a node I run a procedure (depending of the clicked item).My problem is that I want it to expand/collapse only when I click on the icon of the node ( the + or - sign), not if I double click an item similar question ...

Inserting ole object to TRxRichEdit

I'm using TRxRichEdit in my program. How can I insert ole object to RxRichEdit at run time. ...

Uses with unit file path in unit file

Hello. I have problem. I ll try to explain it. I have a unit which has a class and may will have new functions. D3BF4E849ACC45249B990F802EFB1F15\UnitFile1.pas 8DC8977E7A7B469AACFE3CC77CA7075E\UnitFile1.pas Both of them have same class: IClass_1 = class Im using code numbers for different versions of this file. Another unit file (Uni...

Object inspector does not apply changed properties

Hi, //I do not know how to ask the question better...// I registred new class of my own (TDisplay). Inside of this class is one object (TRectangle - also of my own), which is created in the constructor of TCustomDisplay - predecestor of TDisplay. When I put TDisplay on the form, I can edit all published properties of both my objects...

Explorer Integration in the Context Menu but using the already running instance

Hi, I want to check for the existence and if it doesn't exist add some actions in the Explorer's right click (context) menu. Besides of the above requirement (for which one can find easily solutions on web) I want to add one more: Suppose that I register the following commands: "Command #1" - triggers 'C:\MyProg.exe /cmd1' "Command ...

Help me fix a Delphi function that counts Registry items

I have a function that counts registry items and added a new option to also retrieve the registry items names and values. Unfortunately I can't seem to understand why only the first item for each registry key is retrieved and why the values all have the same name. Anyone see any apparent problem with the code below? function CountRegis...

ResXexplor Dephi 2010 Demo

Has anyone improved the ResXexplor demo that ships with Delphi 2010? The demo does not load 256x256 icons. These icons appear as 0x0 0 colors. The demo does not load Cursor Groups. The bitdepths are not shown correctly except for for 16 color icons. All other bitdepths are shown as: 48x48 0 colors 32x32 0 colors... Any suggestions on...

Opening file with associated program

I have SpeedButton on my form and I want it open avi file with associated program.I tried Windows.winexec but it doesn't seem to be worked. ...

Delphi, string vs widestring memory usage issue, non-unicode VCL (D7)

Hi, I'm storing some classes with WideString parameters describing them (like name, description and some others). Now if I change all those WideStrings to simple "string" (I'm using alias actually so I have to change one line only), memory usage is about 5% bigger!! than previously... How is that possible, since each char of the string i...

Use default authentication and separate cloaking/impersonation in DCOM call

Hi I'm trying achieve two things with DCOM (Out of process) Set the process wide authentication using CoInitializeSecurity and its parameter pAuthList. Using cloaking to change the caller's identity in special situations (COM calls) My thoughts: AFAIK the auth info structure contains the default authentication information (like us...

How do I programmatically scroll a control in Windows?

Hi, I have some controls like TWebBrowser, TRichText etc. which I want to scroll them (horizontally and/or vertically) from my program. How do I achieve this? PS: I think that it is doable by sending some messages to their handles but I don't know now which ones. TIA. ...

How to restart Interbase

I try to follow for restarting Interbase. Here is some code: program IBRestart; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils, winsvc; var vManager, vService: SC_Handle; vtmp: TServiceStatus; begin vManager := OpenSCManager(nil, nil, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if vManager > 0 then begin vServi...

Calculating EXIF exposure time as a fraction (Delphi)

Hi, I am trying to display EXIF exposure time as a fraction of seconds but I am not getting expected result, probably a small mistake. I have found two routines that do the calculation but both bring diffrent and wrong result. The value I am having problem is: "0.0806451612903226" value is of type Extended. DecimalToFractStr give m...

How do I use the descendant's form without the presence of ancestor's form visually

Dear experts, I just created a form within bpl project and place it on repository, named AncForm. When I made its descendant in a new project (program Inheritance1) named DecForm. Normally, AncForm will be included in the new project automatically when DecForm just inherited from AncForm. program Inheritance1; {$R *.res} uses Fo...

Delphi: How do i know what my property editor is editing?

i have a property editor (descendant of TPropertyEditor) that is used to edit a property. When it comes time to edit my property, how do i know what property of what object i'm editing? If i'm going to edit a property, i have to know what property i'm editing. i've been pulling my hair out, sifting through the Delphi help, the online h...

SOAP inconsistency? Delphi 2010 (Win32) Server and .NET Client swapping 'out-parameter' and 'result'.

Could someone please shed some light on this behaviour? It looks like Delphi SOAP sets the function result as the last argument, but WSDL.exe reads the first argument to be the function result. I have the following method in a Delphi SOAP service, where the result string is used for basic error handling: function LoadCustomer(Customer...

How do I make my program work in Windows Vista and Windows 7?

I have an application written in Delphi 2006 that was working fine in Windows XP. I packed the application using Inno Setup, using Program Files as the default folder. A few users migrated to Windows Vista and Windows 7. The issue here is that the application creates some files inside its installation folder by its own. This was working ...