
How to show hint for a disabled TDBEdit?

I have a TDBEdit that is not enabled and thus not showing the Hint. What would be the best way to have it display the Hint while staying disabled? ...

How to drag a file from Virtual TreeView to Windows Explorer

Hi, I have a TVirtualStringTree, each node represents a file, what I want to do is to allow a user drag a node to the Windows Explorer or Outlook and the target gets a real file. It seems that I need to implement the OnGetUserClipboardFormats and RenderOLEData event handler? But I don't know where to start...Would you help me? ...

How to extend the parameter list of a method (ie OnClick) and use it?

Hi, I'm developing the app which has input fields and whenever user enters the controll, extra panel is being generated with the buttons. The buttons have captions representing special symbols like degree, greek symbols. When the button is pressed, corresponding special character should be added to the input fields TEdit existing text...

Delphi routine which retrieve the current time and date from a time server

I am looking for a Delphi 7 routine which connects to a time server to retrieve the correct time and date, and a routine to update the time and date of the pc. The routine should of course take into account the time zone the pc is using. If possible using the ICS component suite from Overbyte (because I use this set of free components ...

MSBuild for Delphi 2010 creates empty Dcp directory in drive's root directory

I'm using MSBuild to build Delphi 2010 projects. It works fine. The only problem I have is that it creates 2 empty directories (Bpl and Dcp) in drive's root directory. Is there any way to prevent MSBuild from creating these directories? ...

How to download a file over HTTPS using Indy 10 and OpenSSL?

I have the following task: download a file using HTTPS and authentication. Indy seems the way to go but for some reason it doesn't work so far. I have the following in place: a TIdHTTP component which I use for downloading a TIdURI component used to create the URL a TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL component which should provide the secure...

Delphi TLB editor replacement

Do you know any good TLB editor (even commercial) that can be used instead of the one which comes with Delphi? It gives headaches in a lot of situations (big TLB, rename an entry ... etc.) Thanks! ...

Delphi 2010 will not show a component in the Tool Palette even though it shows installed in component package list

I have a component package that I maintain, TComPort, a sourceforge project. I recently decided to try to build the C++Builder 2010 version of the packages. Those were built and installed. Then I cleaned my system (all bpl and dcp traces of these are gone!). Now I have the odd situation where I build the runtime, and build and instal...

Delphi : Variable used in the "for In" cannot be assigned!

Why is the assignment in the loop disallowed by the compiler? procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); Var ars : Array [0..10] of Integer; s : Integer; ct : Integer; begin ct := 0; for s in ars do Begin s := ct; // Does not compile! Inc(ct); End; End; ...

Can Delphi be used to create and handle a custom protocol handler?

We have a need to interoperate between one of our web apps and a Win32 app created in Delphi. A colleague suggested using a custom protocol handler like ourcompany://something to pass information to the app. Is this possible with Delphi (5 Enterprise), or not? If it's available in later versions, we'll look to sourcing a license for t...

StringBuilder.Split in Delphi?

Anyone know of a good Split procedure that uses StringBuilder in Delphi? ...

Can Indy run Javascript?

There is a software product called AnyChart which is great for embedding Flashed based charts in web pages. AnyCharts can also export to PNG file format. Here is an example: <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var chart = new AnyChart(''); chart.width = 60...

Exceptions and DLL in Delphi

What is the right way to handle exceptions thrown from inside a DLL in Delphi? Something like this on E : ESomeException do ... or if (E is ESomeException) then ... fails, because of the separate type registries of the DLL and the main application. ...

Delphi - The application failed to initialize properly

I have in Delphi application declared tables: x,y,z,r:array [1..10000000] of double; t1,t2,t3,t4:array [1..10000000] of integer; Before everything was ok but now I get in some pcs error (in most pc:s error does not come) : "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000005)" If I change tables smaller: x,y,z,r:array [1....

Size and modified date of delphi compiled executable in being changed automatically

I do compile the delphi source code(such as ABC.dpr) on delphi 5 compiler. after the successful compilation, i put this executalbe(say ABC.EXE with size 200300 byte) at different machine(i have only full access control to R/W, others just can read/get the files) for operation/for other user access. form last one year i observed that siz...

Help with looping Pictures

Hi guys my code for collision detection is as follows i need it to loop through 55 pictures on the main form //aliens are named alien1, alien2 ect //image2 is the collison object ( the bullet) CODE IS TURBO DELPHI procedure TForm1.TimeralienshotTimer(Sender: TObject) var ax2 : integer; bx2 : integer; ay2 : integer; by2 : integ...

How to direct the mouse wheel input to control under cursor.

I use a number of scrolling controls: TTreeViews, TListViews, DevExpress grids and treelists, etc. When the mouse wheel is spun, the control with focus receives the input no matter what control the mouse cursor is over. How do you direct the mouse wheel input to whatever control the mouse cursor is over? The Delphi IDE works very nicely...

AdoQuery Error using parameters

I need update a field value , increasing the old value. something like ths UPDATE MYTABLE SET FIELD1=FIELD1+VALUE WHERE .... but when run the next code i have this error Parameter object is improperly defined. Inconsistent or incomplete information was provided this is my code AdoQuery:=TADOQuery.Create(nil); try ...

how does Resource dll's work in delphi

I need to understand the use of resource DLL's in Delphi, as i am still new to this industry. ...

How to create graphs in Delphi application

I need to create graphs on the fly about specific process, with some informative texts and colors. In the Unix world there's Graphviz including 'dot' for layout generation, is there something similar which could be used with Delphi? I'm using Delphi 2007. Also Python alternative could be considered, but I'd prefer pure Delphi in this ...