Detect if my application is running under the IDE "Delphi 2007 .Net"
Hi, How can I detect if my application is running under the IDE "Delphi 2007 .Net", there is something like DebugHook? Bye. ...
Hi, How can I detect if my application is running under the IDE "Delphi 2007 .Net", there is something like DebugHook? Bye. ...
Hello I have created an in-process com server using Delphi 7, it worked perfectly on windows XP and all windows pre-vista. After upgrading to windows vista, all interfaces are available except this only one interface that produces the following error message : 'Os function failed'. Microsoft Developers Guide states that the Abstra...
I'm having trouble to change size of fielddefs in a TClientDataSet after i use LoadFromFile. Does anybody have a good way to change the size of a given ClientDataSet but still keep all the other things. ...
Hi, I have TBytes variable with a value [0,0,15,15]. How can I convert it to "00FF" ? I dont want to use loops, bcoz this logic to be used in time intensive function. (I tried using BinToHex, but I could not get it working with string variable.) Thanks & Regards, Pavan. ...
I'm trying to write a Delphi console application that creates a TStream for its standard input, and another TStream for its standard output. (It will be launched by a host app with its input and output redirected to pipes, and will be passing binary data to/from that host app, so TStream will be much better-suited to the task than ReadL...
Hi, select convert(varbinary(8), 1) in MS SQL Server produces output : 0x00000001 On assigning the above query to dataset in Delphi, and accessing field value, we get byte array as [1, 0, 0, 0] . So Bytes[0] contains 1. When I use IntToHex() on this bytes array it would result me value as "10000000" . Why is IntToHex considering it...
I've got an app that runs a long set of operations, and I'm trying to use a TProgressBar to keep track of what's going on. I set a number of steps, and call .StepIt to increment the progress bar. Problem is, it doesn't keep up very well. Instead of jumping directly to the correct position, it seems to like to slide gradually up to it....
Hi, I'm trying to write a generic class which contains a generic TObjectList< T > which should contain only Elements of TItem. uses Generics.Collections; type TItem = class end; TGenericClass<T: TItem> = class public SimpleList: TList<T>; // This compiles ObjectList: TObjectList<T>; // This doesn't compile: Compiler...
I have a program that I need to create a DLL for, hopefully in C#. The program is written in Delphi and I have an interface file to code to. The interface uses the stdcall calling convention. Is it possible to create a C# DLL that conforms to the interface and can be used in the Delphi application? Is there some sample code that demo...
I have the following code: var sl: THashedStringList; begin sl:= THashedStringList.Create; sl.Duplicates := dupIgnore; sl.Add('12345'); sl.Add('12345'); sl.Add('12345'); sl.Add('12345'); sl.Add('12345'); sl.Add('12345'); sl.Add('12345'); ShowMessage(IntToSTr(sl.Count)); end; But when I see sl.Count, it gives me 7...
I have a form that contains a TOpenDialog component (OpenDialog1) and a button. OpenDialog1 has the ofAllowMultiSelect (of Options) property set to true. Upon clicking the button the method AddFilesToListView is executed: procedure TForm4.AddFilesToListView(); var ListItem : TListItem; I: Integer; F : File; LengthOfAudio : TDat...
How do you get the duration (in minutes and seconds) of an MP3/wav audio file in Delphi ? ...
Hi, How to dim / fade all other windows of an application in Delphi 2009. Form has an AlphaBlend property, but it controls only transparency level. But it would be nice if we can have something like this (Concentrated window) . Even does that, when we try to insert a link/ image etc in the post. How can we achieve ...
I begin to program some handheld program as hobby, right now i currently have knowledge on Blackberry App (Java), Symbian S60 (PyS60) and J2ME Something that i wanna learn was Windows Mobile/Pocket PC and iPhone development, but since i don't use Mac so i step to Windows Mobile/Pocket PC development Here some question: 1. Which is bett...
Do I need to put my Interposer class in all the form that will the particular class ? Say I want to re-implement TPanel, I redeclare it as TPanel = class(ExtCtrls.TPanel) in the unit. Do I need to do this in all the unit that uses TPanel ? Thanks in advance ! ...
For a Microsoft CRM project, we need NTLM authentication in the Delphi 2009 web service client. It looks like Indy 10 Tiburon already has experimental NTLM support. How can I activate the NTLM authentication for the THTTPRio component and use the logon information (user name, password, domain) of the destination web service server? Ed...
I'm trying to get the Global Interface Table by using the following code (Delphi): uses Comobj, ActiveX; var cGIT : IGlobalInterfaceTable = NIL; const CLSID_StdGlobalInterfaceTable: TGUID = '{00000146-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}'; function GIT : IGlobalInterfaceTable; begin if (cGIT = NIL) then OleCheck (CoCreateInsta...
I would like to find the values of some of windows API constants, such as, but not limited to *LVM_ENABLEGROUPVIEW* & *WM_SHOWWINDOW* Looking on the net lead me to MSDN which tells me what they are used for, but not the underlying values. There is a very similar question on stackOverflow, Where can I find a list of windows API constan...
I have been chasing down what appears to be a memory leak in a DLL built in Delphi 2007 for Win32. The memory for the threadvar variables is not freed if the threads still exist when the DLL is unloaded (there are no active calls into the DLL when it is unloaded). The question: Is there some way to cause Delphi to free memory associat...
Is there such a thing? It needs to be asynchronous (no Indy). ...