
Default settings for bound WPF DependencyProperty

Ive created a custom user control named MyCustomComboBox. Everywhere in the application I put it I do the following: <Widgets:MyCustomComboBox Foo="{Binding Foo, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, Mode=TwoWay}" /> MyCustomComboxBox has the dependency property Foo, I have some validation and other logic in t...

C#, simplified code to handle both changes and updates of a dependency property

Obviously, I'm not an expert in C#. I would like to simplify this code by using an anonymous handler, or maybe a lambda, not sure. ValueHasChanged is a PropertyChangedCallback used when a dp is changed, it ensures the new object will be monitored for update, so that both changes and updates will be processed using the same code: ProcessN...

XAML: Property inheritance WITHOUT WPF?

I'm working on a XAML - based CUI (console user interface) framework (which should look like Turbo Vision) for C# and I need to use property inheritance with dependency properties. Is there ANY way to accomplish that? I would prefer to be able to derive future widgets from "DependencyObject", not "Visual" or something similar, because ...