
How to represent this sentence in description logic ?

How to describe this in description logic? "every human is either male or female" Thanks ...

What is the difference between "someValuesFrom" and "allValuesFrom"?

In description logic, what is the difference between "someValuesFrom" and "allValuesFrom"? In other words, the difference between (limited existential quantification) and (value restriction). For example, consider this: ∆ = {a, b, c, d, e} ext(B) = {<c,d>} ext(R) = {<a,b>, <a,c>, <d,c>, <c,e>} So what is the difference between t...

DL Reasoner vs Rule Engine: can you explain the difference?

Hi, Can someone explain the differences between a DL Reasoner like Pellet/deafult OWL Reasoner and a rule engine like Jess? and their applications ? Thanks. ...

Description logic, OWL and RDFS: what are the differences?

Can someone explain the relatioships to me between the languages Description Logic, OWL and RDFS? ...