
FullCalendar and qTip. Help with description as array

I have problem with load description. I'm getting answer via ajax this is JSON part information: {"id":"","start":1282561200,"end":1282564800,"title":"admin admin","description":[["Alcatel-6850, ","Alcatel-6400, "]]} This is code to rendering event: eventRender: function(event, element) { element.qtip({ content : ...

ASP.NET TreeView - display "Description" property

Hello, I have a web.sitemap with several hundred nodes which contain the properties "url", "title", and "description." I then use a TreeView to display certain elements of this sitemap depending on the location of the file. My question is: how can i display the description associated with each node as plain text immediately below the lin...

Better name for "non-negative" value?

I'm validating that the integer is zero or greater. To describe the requirement as "zero or greater" feels too verbose. To say "non-negative" introduces negative language, which I try to avoid when I can. What concise descriptor do you use when describing a value that must be zero or greater? ...

NSObject's 'description' method giving parentheses as output?

So, I'm debugging an app I'm building and using the description method to help me find the problem. But instead of giving me the app as a string it is printing out parentheses instead. Please help! Here's the code: - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; reminders = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; currentTitle = [[NSMutableString al...

Add description to Android Gallery - (Pictures and text)

Hi to all! I'm working on my new project but I can't figure out how to add a text under my Gallery. I have 3 pictures, if I slide on picture 2 I can see under picture 1 and 3 the correct description but it doesn't appear the description under the selected picture (in this case the number 2). This is my code: public void onClick(View ...

Are there any standards similar to WSDL but designed for Java or C/C++?

Are there any standards similar to WSDL but designed for Java or C/C++? To be clear: I am designing an offline API, not a web service. I am designing a system that allows different components to be plugged in, but for the orchestrator to know how to call it I currently allow the orchestrator to retrieve back a sort of "get features" f...

Problem with description of my site and google search

My HTML page : <meta name="description" content="فارس سوفت الاسم الرائد في عالم البرمجيات العربية" /> When I search for my site name "فارس سوفت" using google, the description contains my description and the error message of my contact form. why ? ...