
How to use an extensibility dll for designer support

I've written a UITypeEditor and it works when the editor lives in the same assembly (or one of the referenced assemblies) as the types using it. Then I can use something like: [Editor(typeof(MyUIEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor))] However, I'd like to move this to a separate assembly, one that is not referenced by the assemblies with type...

How is an assembly resolved at design time?

I have an extensibility library (or the start of one), with a UITypeEditor. I'd now like to decorate the property with the EditorAttribute. I don't want to reference the extensibility library, as it does not need to be deployed, so I'm using this: [Editor("MyProject.Extensibility.MyUIEditor, MyProject.Extensibility, Version=, Cul...

Problem with set related property in designer at first time

Hi I Develop a Form Designer, also develop some custom control that inherit from standard control like button. Also, i have some property that related, for example user must select department first, and then select person. and after user select person, I set Text of my custom control (that inherit from button in this case). Note: use...

How to initialize my web control properties at design-time?

Hey, I need a way to initialize my web control's properties when it's dropped on the designer area. As "initialize" I mean: If my control has a property Prop1. I need to assign a value to Prop1 and I need this value to be persisted on ASPx. I tried the following: Implement InitializeNewComponent on my ControlDesigner: This method is ...

Visual Studio design time event handling

I am trying to create a WPF wizard control in visual studio. I am successful except I would like to navigate the pages in design time by clicking the next and previous buttons. The pages are being written in xaml. I can navigate the pages by going to the properties window and changing the selected index, but I would like something more u...

Detect design time in NetBeans

When using the Swing graphical editor in NetBeans is it possible for a custom component to detect that it's design time? E.g. public CustomComponent() { initComponents(); if (!isDesignTime()) { someIcon = IconFactory.loadIcon("icons/SomeIcon.png"); } } Basically I'm after something like .net's Component.DesignMode...

Windows Mobile Gradient Fill Button - UserControl vs Subclassing Button

Hi, I've started looking at Windows Mobile development and I'm struggling to make a pleasing UI using the default controls (they really are ugly). I've looked at a handful of UI 'frameworks' and they are either costly or complex (my needs are simple). So I've decided to write my own controls. Taking a rounded rectangle gradient filled ...

Custom control generate code at design time

Is it possible to write a control which can create/ modify a code file in the same project - (Along the lines of the how the form designer works). I can't see the actual creating / modification of files being troublesome - however I would like to avoid the 'xyz file has been modified - would you like to reload it?' dialogue. To be hones...

How to write c# code in contructor that will NOT be executed at design time by Visual Studio?

I have a method call in the constructor of my user control that does something that won't work at design time (connecting to database), and the VS just bailed out when I tried to add that control to the GUI designer. Sure I can factor out those code to a separate method, but I don't like the idea that everytime I use that object I need t...

Hide User-Control in Design Mode

Hi I use User-Controls in my ASP.Net (3.5) pages to simulate popups (Visual-Studio 2008). The problem is that all these popups are positioned over the normal controls in the page in design mode. So my Question is: How can I hide User-Controls in Design-Mode. ...

PropertyValueEditor and DependencyObject in Blend 3 - Silverlight DesignTime support

I'm working on a set of controls that has a number of DependencyProperties. The properties are themselves DependencyObjects and created during the get method of the properties. During the Get method, they are also set back to the propertybag using the SetValue() method, so they are in fact valid in Xaml and their properties can be storyb...

'Missing' library at design-time in VS2010?

Hi one and all, I located a really nice open-source docking solution called 'AvalonDock' on codeplex, and downloaded v1.1, and included the dll in a WPF project in VS2010 Beta 2 (targeting .NET 4.0) - so far so good. Then I saw that V1.2 was available and it fixed exactly the issue I was having (V1.2 exposes a DP called DocumentsSource...

What approaches are available to dummy design-time data in WPF?

I am working without expression blend and just using the XAML editor in vs2010. The wisdom of this aside, I am increasingly seeing a need for design-time data binding. For simple cases, the FallbackValue property works very nicely (Textboxes and TextBlocks, etc). But especially when dealing with ItemsControl and the like, one really need...

Design-time moving of a child control owned by a composite user control

Hi, I have a Windows Forms user control, which (for various reasons irrelevant to this issue) are exposed in the designer, much like the panels in a split panel. Most everything works nicely, except for dragging the control. The child controls are created by the user control, and it does not accept new children. The intent is only to al...

XAML Controls offsetting themselves, becoming invisible in Blend and browser

I'm having a problem, visible at runtime and in Expression Blend, where the text blocks (not text boxes, buttons, or custom controls) in my layout grid keep pushing themselves outside their cells, rendering them invisible. If I touch any of their properties in Blend (such as incrementing and then decrementing one of the margins), they be...

Using UI Editor at runtime on a button click

Hi All, I have a custom UI Editor for a property in C# . The editor works fine at design time. How ever I want to lauch the editor on click of a button at runtime. How can I do this? Thanks, Datte ...

Is there an attribute that ignores a method on design-time?

Something like: <DesignTimeHidden()> _ Private Sub UserControl_IsVisibleChanged(sender As Object, _ e As DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs) Handles Me.IsVisibleChanged End Sub ...

How to display attached properties in Property Browser of blend for silverlight?

I created couple of custom controls and their childresn correctly shows the attached properties in Property Browser for WPF, but in silverlight none of the attached properties appear in Property Brower. How to add design time support for attached properties in silverlight? ...

Silverlight/WPF and Blend: DataBind a text field, but define a design-time value?

Hopefully this is simple - I DataBind a bunch of labels and text controls in a Silverlight application (to DependencyProperties that I create in my class), but of course the text is empty at design time. I'd still like to have an idea of how this will be laid out; is there a way to specify a design-time value, even though it's databound...

Someway to override Delphi default procedures at Design Time ?

Someway to override Delphi default procedures at Design Time ? I need to override the InstanceSize at design time, I did it runtime using FastCode method: FastcodeAddressPatch(FastcodeGetAddress(@SInstanceSize), @TWinControl.RfInstanceSize); But, is there some way to do it at Design time ? Tks in advice ...