
jQuery triggering a click event appears to be running one step behind

Hi, I am using tablesorter plugin which is great. I have had to clone the original header and then re-insert the clone above a scrollable area. To fire the tablesorter plugin on the hidden old table header elements i am triggering a click using .trigger() on the hidden table when a user clicks on the visible cloned table. Here is the...

How to autosave the data entered in a IFrame. Please suggest.

How to autosave the data entered in a IFrame. Please suggest. ...

jquery recognize if li is clicked or p inside the li is clicked

<ul id='myid'> <li id='1'> my text 1 <p id='1' >inside p1 clicked</p></li> <li id='2'> my text 2 <p id='1' >inside p2 clicked</p></li> <li id='3'> my text 3 <p id='1' >inside p3 clicked</p></li> <li id='4'> my text 4 <p id='1' >inside p4 clicked</p></li> <li id='5'> my text 5 <p id='1' >inside p5 clicked</p></li> </ul> ...

how to add tabs to infowindow which uses extInfoWindows for google map

I have the following code to display the info window on the google map when marker is clicked how can i add tabs to the infowindows which is using extinfowindows ,can anyone help to trace out the problem. function createMarker(point, name, address, imagepath) { var marker = new GMarker(point, gicons[imagepath]); var html1 = '<sp...

inside div automatic fit width of li in ie

Hello <div style='width:500px'> <ul> <li> some text in 1 line</li> <li> some text in 1 line</li> <li> some text 2 line</li> <li> some 2</li> <li> 2</li> </ul> </div> I don't know what is the correct css code for display of items in ie like: first two results automatic fit in first line and rest of the results...

how to place videos into infowindow of google map

I have written the following code to display images and contents on the google map ,how can i place some sample video in one of the tab. function createMarker(point, name, address, imagepath) { var marker = new GMarker(point, gicons[imagepath]); //var html1 = '<div><a href="#" class="DataHead">' + name + '</b></div> <br...

How do I create a dynamic increasing value?

I want to create and display a value which is increasing by a fixed amount per second. I have the following variables in my PHP file: $AccountValue=220000; $IncreasePerSecond=15; So for example when the page loads the value would be 220000 after one second the value would be 220015 after another second 220030 ....etc thanks in advanc...

Change name of iframes/frames dynamically

Hi I'm trying to have a website that hosts different applications (also websites) in iframes. Note: only one application is active (displayed) at a time. My problem is that links that rely on targets are loaded in the wrong iframe (the first that is found). To avoid problem with links that rely on a specific target, the script changes ...

Why can only my most recently added page element be resized?

I have a webpage where I can click on it to add a image. If I then click on the image it makes it bigger and if I click again it resizes it back to the original size. If I then click somewhere else on the screen I can create another image and grow and shrink this also by clicking on it. The problem is only the latest image can be resized...