
What requirments are necessary for a webhoster to host Diaspora*

What do I need to get from a webhoster if I want to host my own Diaspora* seed? Do I just need some webspace with ruby on rails capabilities? I suppose it uses Ruby On Rails SOAP for communication between seeds? If so what is needed for this? ...

Why doesn't this test in the Diaspora app fail?

From http://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/blob/master/spec/models/profile_spec.rb describe Profile do before do @person = Factory.build(:person) end describe 'requirements' do it "should include a first name" do @person.profile = Factory.build(:profile,:first_name => nil) @person.profile.valid?.should be false ...

What are the security issues with diaspora?

I heard allot of buzz around the security issues with diaspora, can someone summarize what they were? ...

How to install Diaspora in Windows?

I am trying to install Diaspora. When I bundle install in Windows, I encounter some problems which include Fetching http://github.com/BadMinus/devise.git C:/Ruby Installation/Ruby187/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.0.2/lib/bundler/ \ source.rb:550:in ``': No such file or directory - git clone \ "http://github.com/BadMinus/devise.git" \...