
Is there a workaround for Java's poor performance on walking huge directories?

I am trying to process files one at a time that are stored over a network. Reading the files is fast due to buffering is not the issue. The problem I have is just listing the directories in a folder. I have at least 10k files per folder over many folders. Performance is super slow since File.list() returns an array instead of an iter...

URL tree walker in Python?

For URLs that show file trees, such as Pypi packages, is there a small solid module to walk the URL tree and list it like ls -lR? I gather (correct me) that there's no standard encoding of file attributes, link types, size, date ... in html <A attributes so building a solid URLtree module on shifting sands is tough. But surely this wheel...

A Python walker that can ignore directories

I need a file system walker that I could instruct to ignore traversing directories that I want to leave untouched, including all subdirectories below that branch. The os.walk and os.path.walk just don't do it. ...

How do I get a directory size (files in the directory) in C#?

I want to be able to get the size of one of the local directories using C#. I'm trying to avoid the following (pseudo like code), although in the worst case scenario I will have to settle for this: int GetSize(Directory) { int Size = 0; foreach ( File in Directory ) { FileInfo fInfo of File; ...

How to walk a directory over a local network using PHP?

How can i list the contents of a windows share using PHP? $SearchFolder = "\\\\\\pdfoutput\\"; if (is_dir($SearchFolder)) { if ($Directory = opendir($SearchFolder)) { while (($File = readdir($Directory)) !== false) { if(filetype($SearchFolder.$File) == "file") { $this->Attachments[] = n...

How to walk a directory in C

I am using glib in my application, and I see there are convenience wrappers in glib for C's remove, unlink and rmdir. But these only work on a single file or directory at a time. As far as I can see, neither the C standard nor glib include any sort of recursive directory walk functionality. Nor do I see any specific way to delete an ent...