
Creating 3D Model then determine dimensions

Are there any libraries that can take a few digital pictures of an object and create a 3d model of it. For instance, I'd ideally like to let a user upload n pictures of an object and feed the pictures into something like photosynth to construct a model, then determine dimensions of said object. Thoughts? ...

How can I compute the dense disparity map from to stereo images ?

How can I compute the dense disparity map from to stereo images ? My idea so far was to go over all the pixels from the first image, and scan the second image for matches. To compare the similarity of two pixels i computed the squared difference of pixels in a small window around them. The algorithm works relatively well on synthetic i...

How to produce an accurate 3D reconstruction of an indoor surrounding using stereo vision?

I used cvStereoFindCorrespondenceGC() in openCV to produce a disparity map from the famous tsukaba image. But I notice that it lacks 3D features (eg the lamp is flat instead of slightly curve). How to approach this problem? What was lacking in the present algorithm? ...

How to obtain a colored disparity map without using Matlab?

The disparity I have managed to obtain thus far are only black and white. Is there any other way to convert it to color, like those in Matlab? Should the changes be made by converting the grayscale image to B&W or to check for correspondence between color images instead of grayscale images? Thank you :) ...

Emgu (OpenCV for C#) - building a disparity map using cvStereoRectify

Hi everyone, I've been using the great Emgu C# wrapper for OpenCV to collect images from a home built stereo rig. Two webcams bolted down to a piece of wood, 35cm apart to hopefully let me produce depth maps in the 10-20m range. I've set them up to be as parallel as I can make it (about 89.3 degrees from a triangulation test). I'm try...