
Flash AS3 custom event should bubble up in "brother"MC

down vote Hi, this blogposts seem to be really old, but my question is fitting best in here. I am doing custom event dispatching on a MC construct like this main_MC/room_MC/button_MC main_MC/room2_MC I am dispatching a custom event from room_MC when receiving a button_MC.MOUSE.CLICK. It bubbles up to main_MC where I can do something ...

Android - Key Dispatching Timed Out

In my Android application I am getting a very strange crash, when I press a button (Image) on my UI the entire application freezes and after a couple of seconds I getthe dreaded force close dialog appearing. Here is what gets printed in the log: WARN/WindowManager(88): Key dispatching timed out sending to package name/Activity WARN/W...

dispatch design pattern?

Suppose I have a class hierarchy in Java: interface Item { ... }; class MusicBox implements Item { ... }; class TypeWriter implements Item { ... }; class SoccerBall implements Item { ... }; and I have another class in the same package: class SpecialItemProcessor { public void add(Item item) { /* X */ } } where I...

How to use dispatch.json in lift project

i am confused on how to combine the json library in dispatch and lift to parse my json response. I am apparently a scala newbie. I have written this code : val status = { val httpPackage = http(Status(screenName).timeline) val json1 = httpPackage json1 } Now i am stuck on how to parse the twitter json r...

How could we create "instances" of a type or record on the fly

This question is closely related to this one but i think is more general. Recently i try to create type "instances" on the fly with multimethods (or with a unique function constructor if possible), based in a metadata tag. I linked a type (a java class under the hood) with this tag and then i didnt know how to continue in a elegant way ...

how to extract from dispatch.json.JsObject

What do i need to do to extract the value for friends_count. i noticed that screen_name are already define in the Status object and case class. Do still require to extends Js or JsObject different object TweetDetails extends Js { val friends_count = 'friends_count ? num } and then pattern match it against each json object in the list...

Java Generic / Type Dispatch Question

Consider the following program: import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; public class TypeTest { public static class TypeTestA extends TypeTest { } public static class TypeTestB extends TypeTest { } public static final class Printer { public void print(TypeTest t) { System.out.prin...

How do I read response headers + body from single POST using scala's dispatch lib

Hi, I have been trying to use the dispatch library to download a file via an http POST request. The server returns a "content-disposition" header suggesting a filename for the data file it returns. I have succeeded reading the entire response body as a string, http(r >~ { (x) => println(x.getLines.mkString("","\n","")) }) reading th...

ruby 1.8.7 mongrel 1.1.5 routing issue

I'm using Ruby 1.8.7 with rubyGems 1.3.7 and mongrel 1.1.5 and keep getting the following error. Error calling Dispatcher.dispatch # There is supposed to be a patch to fix this at http://gist.github.com/471663 but for when I add this to config/initializers my app fails to route the address correctly giving me an error from /config/ini...

How can I programmatically determine which class/module defines a method being called?

In Ruby, how can I programmatically determine which class/module defines a method being called? Say in a given scope I invoke some_method(). In the same scope I'd like to invoke a function find_method(:some_method) that would return which Class, Singleton Class or Module defines some_method. Here's some code to illustrate what I mean:...