
How to make a resource (screen) accessible to only one user at a time in a distributed .Net application?

I have a client server based windows forms application that needs an administrator only screen. The administrator functionality needs to be implemented in such a way that at any given time only one administrator can access that screen. The windows forms client application talks to the server using .NET Remoting. And the server side is d...

Distributed Lock Service

Which distributed lock service would you use? Requirements are: A mutual exclusion (lock) that can be seen from different processes/machines lock...release semantics Automatic lock release after a certain timeout - if lock holder dies, it will automatically be freed after X seconds Java implementation Nice to have: .Net implementation...

Distributed locking in .NET

I'm looking for recommendations for a locking mechanism that will work across multiple machines. In my case I basically just want to be able to start a service on 2 machines and have one block until the other finishes as a simple way to insure redundancy in case a service machine goes down. Sort of along the same lines as http://stacko...