
Email templating in django

As we all know (or should), you can use Django's template system to render email bodies: def email(email, subject, template, context): from django.core.mail import send_mail from django.template import loader, Context send_mail(subject, loader.get_template(template).render(Context(context)), '[email protected]', [email,]) T...

django.core.mail send_email with secure connection

Hi Im trying to use django send_email function but it fails on authentication. In fact, django returns me message along the lines - ssl not found in this django installation. I do have ssl-1.15 on my pythonpath and i could import it without errors. So the problem is probably with the certificates, right? Now is there some kind of tut...

Connection refused: When I try to send email from my linode server

I have a django project and for email settings I use my personal gmail account. It works just fine when Im testing from localhost. But i get "conection refused error" from django when I try from my linode vps. Any ideas ? ...

Possible to send date triggered email in django?

Hi, I am wondering if it is possible to send an email before a certain date? To explain a bit more we have talks that run every month on the second wednesday of the month and they have a title and speaker. I would like to email the members(email addresses stored in member object) 2 weeks before each meeting so on the first of the month y...

Django default_from_email name

I am looking to add a name to my default_from_email address in Django and wanted to know whether you do this through the file? you have your different options. DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL EMAIL_HOST EMAIL_PASSWORD ... but the email result still ends in from: [email protected] and I would like to change this into My Domain inste...