
Django-Haystack + Whoosh - Are misspelling suggestions possible?

Hi folks, I'm using Whoosh and Django-Haystack. I would like to make use of query suggestions for when users mistype words. e.g. Maybe you meant "unicorn" Is it necessary to use another search engine? Or can I successfully achieve this with Whoosh? ...

Django Haystack QuerySet Returns Similar Values Back

Hello when I do a Haystack operation with a SOLR backend SearchQuerySet.filter(categories='sean') I get results back from both items that are index with both category types of 'Sean' and 'Sean McCully' but not from anything with value of say 'Jason'. Using exact does not elivate this issue. I am using 1.1 version of Haystack and can ve...

I cannot access suggestions? - Django Haystack + Whoosh

Hi folks, I'm using Whoosh 3.18. 1) I'm following the docs here. from import FileStorage is not working and therefore anything else I try to accomplish with it. 2) I cannot figure out how to include suggestions within my search templates. I'm using the template provided within the docs' tutorial. Help would be g...

Django-Haystack/Whoosh - Rebuild Index Error

Python 2.5, Django 1.2.1, most recent haystack, most recent whoosh This is my first delve into Django-Haystack. I was following the "Getting Started" guide from Haystack and everything seemed to be going along fine, until I went to build the index. So, running " rebuild_index" shot this back at me: Traceback (most recent call...

Django Haystack substring search

I have recently added search capabilities to my django-powered site to allow employers to search for employees using keywords. When the user initially uploads their resume, I turn it into text, get rid of stop words, and then add the text to a TextField for that user. I used Django-Haystack with the Whoosh search back engine. Three thin...

Django Haystack with multiple databases

Django recently added support for using multiple databases and "database routing". Does Haystack deal intelligently (or at all) with multiple databases? ...

haystack multiple field search

Hi i m using haystack with a woosh as search engine: my model looks as follows class Person(models.Model): personid = models.IntegerField(primary_key = True, db_column = 'PID') firstname = models.CharField(max_length = 50, db_column = 'FIRSTNAME') lastname = models.CharField(max_length = 50, db_column = 'LASTNAME') ...

Django haystack multivalued doesn't work

Hi, I've added a MultivaluedField to my index (haystack), I need to search for a ManyToMany related field, but it doesn't work. The engine is WHOOSH. This how my index looks like: class PostIndex(SearchIndex): text = CharField(document=True, use_template=True) author = CharField(model_attr='author') body = CharFiel...

how to obtain two different search results from single query in django haystack with solr

I have one search box where users can search for either the movie name or actor. On the search results page I want to show the top hits for both the actor and for the movie name in separate tables. How is this done with Django Haystack over SOLR? Thanks! ...

find similar documents before add

User fill multi-field form (document) with date, time, title and description. Check, if similar documents are stored in Solr before document saved User can choose, save this document or not. How to implement in Solr "find similar documents"? in Lucene: FuzzyLikeThisQuery, MoreLikeThis? but in Solr? P.S. I use django-hastack ...

Problem adding to solr index from Django using zc.buildout

I'm trying to get Apache Solr running inside my zc.buildout environment. I've defined a simple model: class NewsItem(models.Model): title = models.CharField(blank=False, max_length=255, help_text=u"Title of this news item") slug = models.SlugField(blank=False, help_text=u"Slug will be automatically generated from the title") ...

solr strfield with haystack django

For one of my fields, I require solr.StrField but it doesn't seem to be supported by Haystack. Is there a way i can create schema.xml with ./ build_solr_schema with the strfield included? ...

Changing tmp directory used by Haystack and/or Whoosh

I'm running Haystack + Whoosh under a Debian vserver setup with only 128MB for the /tmp directory and am running out of space in it during indexing (the individual Whoosh tmp files are 25MB+). I'd love to increase the tmp folder size, but that's out of my control. Is there a way to instruct Haystack or Whoosh to use an alternate tmp dir...

No results in Django Haystack search

I've read the getting started documentation and several other examples on the web. And this is what my looks like: from haystack.indexes import * from haystack import site from models import Entry class EntryIndex(SearchIndex): text = CharField(document=True) headline = CharField(model_attr='headline') sub...

In django-haystack, how can I use subclasses of models?

I'm trying to get haystack (with xapian-haystack) to search my model here by name and description. I have a subclass of item ('device') which has a manufacturer field. So I have a model 'item': class Item(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True) description = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) ...

Iterating over items in search result view with django haystack MultiValueField

If I have a MultiValueField on one of my search indexes and I want to display each value in the search results, how would I do that? It seems like something is not being formatted appropriately or I am somehow misunderstanding the MultiValueField. class PageAttachmentIndex(indexes.SearchIndex): # This should reference search/indexes/pa...

Haystack more_like_this returns all

I am using Django, haystack, solr, to do searching. Ive am able to search and now I would like to find similar items using more_like_this. When I try to use the more_like_this functionality I get back all of the objects that are of that model type instead of just the ones that closely match it. Here is some code to show you how I am usi...