This is a follow-up on How do you change the default widget for all Django date fields in a ModelForm?.
Suppose you have a very large number of models (e.g. A-ZZZ) that is growing with the input of other developers that are beyond your control, and you want to change the way all date fields are entered (i.e. by using jQueryUI). What's t...
I have a object with a many-to-many relation with another object.
In the Django Admin this results in a very long list in a multiple select box.
I'd like to filter the ManyToMany relation so I only fetch Categories that is available in the City that the Customer have selected.
Is this possible? Will I have to create a widget for it? An...
I'm trying to write a field for django admin that will have 2 widgets: a textinput and an associated checkbox. If the checkbox is checked it will return none, if not return the value of the field. But I can't get the notch of it. Here is how I tried(note I'm new to django):
class FloatRangeField(models.FloatField):