
Why does Django generate HTTP 500 errors for static media when Debug is set to False?

I'm preparing to deploy my Django app and I noticed that when I change the "DEBUG" setting to False, all references to static files (i.e., JavaScript, CSS, etc..) result in HTTP 500 errors. Any idea what's causing that issue (and how to fix it)? ...

Passing around urls between applications in the same project

I am trying to mock-up an API and am using separate apps within Django to represent different web services. I would like App A to take in a link that corresponds to App B and parse the response (json). Is there a way to dynamically construct the url to App B so that I can test the code in development and not change to much before going...

What's the best way to upgrade from Django 0.96 to 1.0 ?

Should I try to actually upgrade my existing app, or just rewrite it mostly from scratch, saving what pieces (templates, etc) I can? ...

Does Django support multi-value cookies?

I'd like to set a cookie via Django with that has several different values to it, similar to .NET's HttpCookie.Values property. Looking at the documentation, I can't tell if this is possible. It looks like it just takes a string, so is there another way? I've tried passing it an array ([10, 20, 30]) and dictionary ({'name': 'Scott', 'id...

Book and tutorial recommedations for Django 1.0

Please share your book or tutorial recommendations for the latest release (1.0) of Django. ...

Style - When to serialize a Django model Instance: signals vs model's save method

I plan to serialize a Django model to XML when it's saved or updated. (The XML's going to be imported into a flash movie). Is it better to listen for a post_save() or pre_save() signal and then perform the serialization, or to just handle it in the model's save() methon ...

How do I use django.core.urlresolvers.reverse with a function reference instead of a named URL pattern?

In my file, I have: from myapp import views ... (r'^categories/$', views.categories) Where categories is a view function inside myapp/ No other URLconf lines reference views.categories. In a unit test file, I’m trying to grab this URL using django.core.urlresolvers.reverse(), instead of just copying '/categories/' (D...

Is Google App Engine a worthy platform for a Lifestreaming app?

I'm building a Lifestreaming app that will involve pulling down lots of feeds for lots of users, and performing data-mining, and machine learning algorithms on the results. GAE's load balanced and scalable hosting sounds like a good fit for a system that could eventually be moving around a LOT of data, but it's lack of cron jobs is a nui...

How does cherrypy handle user threads?

I'm working on a django app right and I'm using cherrypy as the server. Cherrypy creates a new thread for every page view. I'd like to be able to access all of these threads (threads responsible for talking to django) from within any of them. More specifically I'd like to be able to access the thread_data for each of these threads from w...

How do I test a django database schema?

I want to write tests that can show whether or not the database is in sync with my file. Actually I have already written them, only to find out that django creates a new database each time the tests are run based on the file. Is there any way I can make the test use the existing database schema? The one tha...

Is there an easy way to populate SlugField from CharField?

class Foo(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=20) slug = models.SlugField() Is there a built-in way to get the slug field to autopopulate based on the title? Perhaps in the Admin and outside of the Admin. ...

Is exposing a session's CSRF-protection token safe?

Django comes with CSRF protection middleware, which generates a unique per-session token for use in forms. It scans all incoming POST requests for the correct token, and rejects the request if the token is missing or invalid. I'd like to use AJAX for some POST requests, but said requests don't have the CSRF token availabnle. The pages h...

How do I successfully pass a function reference to Django’s reverse() function?

I’ve got a brand new Django project. I’ve added one minimal view function to, and one URL pattern to, passing the view by function reference instead of a string: # # ------- # coding=utf-8 from django.conf.urls.defaults import * from myapp import views urlpatterns = patterns('', url(r'^myview/$', views....

In Django, where is the best place to put short snippets of HTML-formatted data?

Hi there, This question is related to (but perhaps not quite the same as): My problem is this: In Django, I am constantly reproducing the basic formatting for low-level database objects. Here's an example: I have two classes, Person and Address. There are multiple...

Django VMware appliance

Does anyone know of a Django 1.0 + postgresql + apache + mod_python VMware appliance? A "vanilla" Django 1.0 appliance where postgresql can be installed manually would also do. ...

In Django is there a way to display choices as checkboxes?

In the admin interface and newforms there is the brilliant helper of being able to define choices. You can use code like this: APPROVAL_CHOICES = ( ('yes', 'Yes'), ('no', 'No'), ('cancelled', 'Cancelled'), ) client_approved = models.CharField(choices=APPROVAL_CHOICES) to create a drop down box in your form and force the u...

Is there a way to define which fields in the model are editable in the admin app?

Assume the following: class Entry(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=50) slug = models.CharField(max_length=50, unique=True) body = models.CharField(max_length=200) class EntryAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): prepopulated_fields = {'slug':('title',)} I want the slug to be pre-populated by...

Django: Capturing url parameters in request.GET

I am currently defining regular expressions in order to capture parameters in a url, as described in the tutorial. How do I access parameters from the url as part the HttpRequest object? My HttpRequest.GET currently returns an empty QueryDict object. I'd like to learn how to do this without a library so I can get to know Django better....

Can I use HTTP Basic Authentication with Django?

We have a website running on Apache, access to which has a number of static pages protected via HTTP Basic authentication. I've written a new part of the site with Django using Django's built in support for user management. The problem I have is that users have to log in once via the HTTP Basic authentication and then again using a Dja...

Why won't Django auto-escape my <script> tags?

My Django app has a Person table, which contains the following text in a field named "details": <script>alert('Hello');</script> When I call PersonForm.details in my template, the page renders the <script> accordingly (a.k.a., an alert with the word "Hello" is displayed). I'm confused by this behavior because I always thought Djan...