
asp.net: Should dropping dlls into the Bin folder work in asp.net MVC?

I am using Visual Stidio 2010 Beta 2 and just started using MVC, I copied a bunch of dlls into a Bin folder and Included this Bin folder in the project. It seems that there is no reference to these dlls from Controller classes? Is this an MVC thing, or a broken project/VS installation? ...

File or Assembly Cannot be Loaded Error

I am working on a Setup program which creates a .msi file. There is a CustomAction program associated with it which is written in C#. There are three COM object references made in this CustomAction program which are necessary in order for it to work. They are as follows. Active DS IIS Namespace Provide (C:\Windows\System32\inetsr...

How to define working directories for DLL dependencies in Visual Studio / C#

Hello, I've got an executeable file, which I run for example from C:. The executable references some DLLs from another directory, let's say C:\MyDLLs. The problem is, that these referenced DLLs again depend on other DLLs, which are stored in another directory. Can I tell Visual Studio where to look for these missing DLLs? Thanks a lot! ...

Difference between project and dll dependencies in .Net in the final compiled assembly

Lets say I have two projects A and B. A depends on B. I can specify this in two ways: Include A and B in the same solution and specify B as a project dependency for A. This shows up in A's msbuild project as a "ProjectReference" node. Include a reference to the B's compiled dll as dependency for A. This shows up in A's msbuild project ...