
Refreshing LinQ2SQL Model in Designer without losing all Properties

Hi, so I'm using LinQ2SQL quite heavily in my current application, and although I have most stuff in partial classes, some things have to be adjusted in the VS Designer (like Accessors for fields I wrap). Then, sometimes I like to name Fields differently in the Model than they do in the DB. So, my problem now is. When going back to cha...

Is there a way to find a table in a DBML file in Visual Studio 2008?

This ones been bugging me for ages. Back in the olden days when we hunted our own food and used DataSets, you could snap to a particular table in a DataSet by selecting what you want from a drop down list at the top. If I have a big ol' Linq2Sql DBML file with lots of tables in it, it becomes a nightmare to navigate around. Is there a ...

How to undo Visual Studio's obsession with recreating the .designer.cs file of my DBML?

This is driving me nuts. I think it is because of some connection string mismatching across the app (using MVC) but Visual Studio constantly takes my .designer.cs file and recreates it adding a '1' at the end (or 2 if it already did this before argh!). My question is two-fold: Is there a way to stop VS from doing this? But more important...

Designer class file generated by MSLinqToSQLGenerator has a number in the name

I was about to submit this question that I found an answer for that, anyway worth sharing it. I have a dbml file named for example sample.dbml and I expect the file generated to contain designer class to be sample.designer.cs whereas it becomes sample1.designer.cs. There is no file named sample.designer.cs already in the folder so I am...