
Where can I find information on writing a version control system that integrates with Visual Studio?

Basically, I'm doing a lot with Visual Studio lately and in my quest to get a simple version control system that I could host myself, I just thought to myself: how difficult could it actually be to write some VCS that just supports the Visual Studio interface? (And which will be used by just one person, anyways...) (And which will be hos...

A minimal MVC setup for ASP.NET 2.0

I have to migrate a web application I made with ASP.NET MVC to a regular Visual Studio 2005 ASP.NET Web Forms based website. I've looked at things like MonoRail, but it's too different for my co-workers (who are already uncomfortable with MVC) to use. I've read that the first version of ASP.NET MVC was made in an airplane flight, that'...