
updating files in a document set in Sharepoint 2010

If you have a file in a flat document library and you have the very same file in a Document Set in that library, how do you keep those 2 files in sync with each other as they don't share the same GUID? Thanks, ...

Document Sets in Sharepoint 2010

I have a file in a flat Doc Library. The same file is inside a Doc Set in that Library. How do I keep those 2 files in sync as they have different GUIDs? ...

SharePoint 2010: Limit search to return a Document Set after matching on its child item

In SharePoint Server 2010, say I set up a Document Set and put some Word documents in it. Each Word document contains a common phrase that is found only in the body of the Word Documents. When searching for this common phrase that exists in each of the Word Documents, is there a way to return only the Document Set in the search results...

When adding custom Document Sets to sharepoint shared documents programmatically, how do I assign one of the custom field value?

Hashtable docProps = new Hashtable(); docProps.Add("Field1", myvalue); docProps.Add("Field2", "slsl"); docProps.Add("Field3", "wwowowo"); try { DocumentSet ds = DocumentSet.Create(list.RootFolder, "mydocumentset", list.ContentTypes["CustomDocumentSet"].Id, docProps); } This will add the document set, but val...

Workflow getting associated for all the documents in the document set

I created a workflow in a document library. I added a Document set with some documents and then associated a workflow for the document set after which the workflow gets associated for the document set as well as for the documents inside the document set. How do i avoid this. can any one ple help me out. ...